Vessels in the Danish Navy

Vessels in the Danish Navy

This is a list of the vessels in the Danish Navy.

=1st Squadron=

Division 11

* "Thetis"-class ocean patrol vessels:
**"Thetis" (F357)
**"Triton" (F358)

Division 12

* "Flyvefisken"-class patrol vessels; [øjer] :
** "Gribben" (P558)
** "Lommen" (P559)
** "Søløven" (P563)

Division 13

* "Diana"-class patrol vessels:
** "Diana" (P520)
** "Freja" (P521)
** "Havfruen" (P522)4 more vessels of this class is under construction to replace the 6 remaining "Barsø"-class.

* "Barsø"-class patrol vessels
** "Barsø" (Y300)
** "Drejø" (Y301)
** "Samsø" (Y303)
** "Thurø" (Y304)
** "Farø" (Y306)
** "Rømø" (Y308)Originally nine vessels was build of this class. "Læsø" (Y307) was converted to a dive tending vessel in 1998, whilst "Romsø" (Y302) and "Vejrø" (Y305) was discharged in 2007. The rest of the "Barsø-class" is to be replaced by the six Mk. II-vessels of the "Diana"-class.

Division 14

* "Svanen"-class sail training ships
** "Svanen" (Y101)
** "Thyra" (Y102)

* "Holmen" class vessels:
** Ertholm (A543)
** Alholm (A544)

Division 15

* "Danbjørn"-class icebreakers:
** "Danbjørn" (A551)
** "Isbjørn" (A552)

* "Thorbjørn"-class icebraker:
** "Thorbjørn" (A553)

Division 16

* "Gunnar Thorson"-class environmental protection vessels,
** "Gunnar Thorson" (A560)
** "Gunnar Seidenfaden" (A561)

* Seatruck-class environmental protection vessels
** "Mette Miljø" (A562)
** "Marie Miljø" (A563)

* "Miljø"-class environmental protection vessels
** HDMS 'Miljø 101' (Y340)
** HDMS 'Miljø 102' (Y341)

Division 19

* "Knud Rasmussen"-class ocean patrol crafts:
** "Knud Rasmussen" (P570)
** "Ejnar Mikkelsen" (P571)Fact|Where does this come from? I have seen no announcement on| ()|date=September 2008

Is to replace two of the three "Agdlek" class cutters.

* "Agdlek"-class ocean patrol cutters:
** "Agpa" (Y387)
** "Tulugaq" (Y388)
** Originally three was build, but "Agdlek (Y386)" was discharged in 2007. "Agpa (Y388)" is to be discharged in 2009, while "Tulugaq (Y388)" is expected to remain in service until 2012.

Outside divisions

* Transport-vesssels (no class given):
** HDMS "Sleipner" (A559)
* "Holmen" class vessels:

* "Holm" class multirole boats fitted for cartography:
** "Birkholm" (A541)
** "Ertholm" (A543)

* Cartography vessels of the "SKA"-class:
** SKA-12
** SKA-16

* Cartography vessels of the "O"-class:
** O-1
** O-2

* Royal Yacht (no class given):
** "Dannebrog" (A540)

=2nd Squadron=

Division 21

* "Niels Juel"-class corvettes:
** "Niels Juel" (F354)
** "Olfert Fischer" (F355)
** "Peter Tordenskiold" (F356)All 3 to be decommissioned in 2011 and replaced by 3 new frigates.

Division 22

* command and support ships:
** "Absalon" (L16)
** "Esbern Snare" (L17)

Division 23

* "Flyvefisken"-class patrol vessels:
** HDMS "Havkatten" (P552)
** HDMS "Laxen" (P553)
** HDMS "Makrelen" (P554)
** HDMS "Støren" (P555)

Division 24

* "Holm" class multirole boats fitted for remote controlled mine sweeping:
** Hirsholm (MSD5)
** Saltholm (MSD6)

* MSF-class drone minehunters

* MRD-class drone minehunters

Division 26

* "Flyvefisken"-class patrol vessels:

** HDMS "Glenten" (P557)
** HDMS "Ravnen" (P560)
** HDMS "Skaden" (P561)
** HDMS "Viben" (P562)

=Vessels not organised in the squadrons=
* "Barsø"-class patrol vessels
** "Læsø" (Y307), converted to a dive tending vessel
* "SKA"-class:
** SKA-12, converted to be used by the Frogmans Crops
** SKA-16, converted to be used by the Frogmans Crops
* Storebro Bruks AB "SRC90E":
** 4 LCP, Landing Craft Personnel; 10 troops, 4 stretchers or 2 tonnes of cargo for the "Absalon"-class
** 2 SAR, Search and Rescue vessels for the "Knud Rasmussen"-class
* VTS-class fast response vessels:
** VTS-1
** VTS-4
* "Arvak" class station tenders
** "Arvak" (Y344),
** "Alsin" (Y345)Plus a variety of RHIBs, smaller vessels as well as several Ro/Ro-vessels on a permanent charter.

=Naval Home Guard=
* MHV900 class patrol boats,
** "Enø" (MHV901)
** "Manø" (MHV902)
** "Hjortø" (MHV903)
** "Lyø" (MHV904)
** "Askø" (MHV905)
** "Fænø" (MHV906)
** "Hvidsteen" (MHV907)
** "Brigaden" (MHV908)Three more vessels is being constructed

* MHV800 class patrol boats
** "Aldebaran" (MHV801)
** "Carina" (MHV802)
** "Aries" (MHV803)
** "Andromeda" (MHV804)
** "Gemini" (MHV805)
** "Dubhe" (MHV806)
** "Jupiter" (MHV807)
** "Lyra" (MHV808)
** "Antares" (MHV809)
** "Luna" (MHV810)
** "Apollo" (MHV811)
** "Hercules" (MHV812)
** "Baunen" (MHV813)
** "Budstikken" (MHV814)
** "Kureren" (MHV815)
** "Patrioten" (MHV816)
** "Partisan" (MHV817)
** MHV "Sabotøren" (MHV818)

* MHV90 class patrol boats
** "Bopa" (MHV90)
** "Holger Danske" (MHV92)
** "Ringen" (MHV94)
** "Speditøren" (MHV95)

New vessels

* 3 Patrolships for 2nd Squadron. Expected length 137.6 meters, displacement 5,850 tonnes [ [ Fregatter] ]
** Frigate 1tentatively F361 [ da icon] HDMS "Ivar Huitfeldt" [ [ New Danish frigates] da icon]
** Frigate 2F362
** Frigate 3F363


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