

kibbutz_name = Ami'ad
foundation = 1946
founded_by = Palmach
region = Galilee
council = Upper Galilee
industry =
affiliation = Kibbutz Movement
website =

Ami'ad ( _he. עמיעד) is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located near Safed, it falls under the jurisdiction of Upper Galilee Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 413.

The founders of were a gar'in of Palmach members who arrived in kibbutz Gevat in January 1946 and initially settled on a hill around two kilometres south of modern Ami'ad, naming their settlement Jubb Yosef after the nearby ruins. They later moved to the current site, renaming the kibbutz Hahoshlim, before adopting the current name.

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  • ami — ami, ie [ ami ] n. et adj. • Xe; lat. amicus, amica I ♦ N. 1 ♦ Personne liée d amitié avec (une autre personne), ou qui est l objet de l amitié de qqn. ⇒fam. copain, pote. « Qu un ami véritable est une douce chose ! » (La Fontaine). Un de mes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • ami — ami, e n. Amant(e). Je te présente mon ami. / L Ami du clergé, bouteille de digestif (du nom de L Ami du clergé, journal réservé aux ecclésiastiques) …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

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