Ruricius Pompeianus

Ruricius Pompeianus

Infobox Military Person
name= Ruricius Pompeianus
lived= ??–312

allegiance= Roman Empire
rank= Praetorian prefect
battles= Battle of Verona (312)

Ruricius Pompeianus (d. 312 Verona) was Praetorian prefect and Commander of cavalry & infantry under Maxentius, Western Roman Emperor. [cite web |url= |title=Ruricius Pompeianus |accessdate=2008-07-21 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |] While guarding the Adige and Po Rivers with the ample and well-directed forces of the province of Venetia, [cite book |url= |title=The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire |accessdate=2008-07-21 |last=Gibbon |first=Edward |coauthors= |date= |work=Chapter XIV: Six Emperors At The Same Time, Reunion Of The Empire. -- Part III. |publisher=] Ponpeianus was killed by Constantine I's troops during the desperately-fought Battle of Verona (312). [cite book |url=,M1 |pages=103-104 |title=Constantine the Great. The union of the state and the church |last=Cutts |first=Edward Lewes |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1881 |publisher=Society for promoting Christian knowledge |location=London |isbn= |oclc=3527822]


* Barnes, Timothy D. "Constantine and Eusebius". Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981. (p.42) ISBN 978-0674165311
* Jones, A.H.M. "Constantine and the Conversion of Europe". Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1978 [1948] . (p.71)
* Odahl, Charles Matson. "Constantine and the Christian Empire". New York: Routledge, 2004. (pp.103–4) Hardcover ISBN 0-415-17485-6 Paperback ISBN 0-415-38655-1

NAME= Ruricius Pompeianus
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Praetorian prefect; Veronese general

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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