Darryl Leiter

Darryl Leiter

Darryl Leiter is currently a visiting scientist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville Virginia. He is actively involved with an astrophysical research team, led by Rudolph Schild at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, that is working toward the development of a theory of quasar structure based on the new paradigm of Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECO). Quantitative observational and theoretical arguments supporting the existence of intrinsically Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECO), which contain strong intrinsic equipartition magnetic fields in lieu of event horizons, have been given in the series of published papers by "Darryl Leiter", "Stanley Robertson", and "Rudolph Schild". These papers were the first to offer observational and theoretical evidence, based General Relativity and The Strong Principle of Equivalence, that: a) MECO could exist in the Universe and, b) Active Galactic Nuclei actually contained MECO instead of Black Holes.


* "Evidence for Intrinsic Magnetic Moments in Black Hole Candidates", S. Robertson and D. Leiter, Astrophysical J., 565, 447 (2002)
* "Does the Principle of Equivalence Prevent Trapped Surfaces From being Formed in the General Relativistic Collapse Process?", D. Leiter, A. Mitra and S. Robertson, (2001)
* "Does the Principle of Equivalence Prevent Trapped Surfaces From being Formed in the General Relativistic Collapse Process?", D. Leiter and S. Robertson, Foundations of Physics Lett., Vol. 16, pp.143 (2003)
* "On Intrinsic Magnetic Moment in Black Hole Candidates", S. Robertson and D. Leiter, Astrophysical J. Lett., 596, L203 (2003)
* "On the Origin of the Radio/X-Ray Luminosity Correlation in Black Hole Candidates", S. Robertson and D. Leiter, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 350, 1391, 2004
* "Robertson, S., & Leiter, D. (2002), ApJ, 565, 447
* "Robertson, S., & Leiter, D. (2003) ApJ, 596, L203
* "Robertson, S., & Leiter, D. (2004), MNRAS, 350, 139
* "Schild, R., Leiter, D., & Robertson, S. 2006, AJ, 132, 420

External links

* [http://www.physorg.com/news73057202.html New Picture of Quasar Emerges]

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