Zephania Mogunde Anyieni

Zephania Mogunde Anyieni

Zephania Mogunde Anyieni is a Kenyan politician. He is a son of Heradion Mogunde Anyieni and Peninah Nyamanyi. He represented the greater Machoge-Bassi consitintuency in 1963–65. Laiter joined KPU together with Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. 1965 by election to a Rosana and later recaptured the seat.

He lost the in 1983 to Chris Mogere Obure.

He went to Isbania High School and later to Bugema High School in Uganda before he joined politic in 1958 to run for the legco, which together with Sam Nyamweya, the lost to Lawrence Sagini.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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