Row galley

Row galley

A row galley is an armed naval craft using oars rather than sail as a means of propulsion. During the "age of sail" row galleys had the advantage of propulsion while ships of sail might be stopped or running at slow speed because of lack of wind for their sails.

Row galleys in the American Revolution

During the American Revolution, row galleys, such as the USS "Spitfire" and the "Washington", with crews of up to 60 oarsmen, were employed successfully in battle against larger warships.

Row galleys during the American Civil War

During the American Civil War, Union Navy and Confederate Navy ships operating in rivers and other interior waterways, would send row galleys to surprise and capture enemy ships anchored for the night.


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  • row galley — ˈrō noun Etymology: row (I) archaic : a galley propelled by oars …   Useful english dictionary

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  • USS Washington (1776 row galley) — was a large row galley, with a rowing crew of 60, that was placed into service under Continental control in 1776. During this age of sail, row galleys were highly maneuverable compared to sailing ships whose movements were dependent on the wind.… …   Wikipedia

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  • galley — n. (pl. eys) 1 hist. a a low flat single decked vessel using sails and oars, and usu. rowed by slaves or criminals. b an ancient Greek or Roman warship with one or more banks of oars. c a large open rowing boat, e.g. that used by the captain of a …   Useful english dictionary

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  • galley slave — /ˈgæli sleɪv/ (say galee slayv) noun 1. a person condemned to row in a galley. 2. an overworked person; drudge …  

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