European walking route E4

European walking route E4

European walking route E4 is one of the European long-distance paths starting in Spain at its southernmost point and leading through France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to end in Greece. It visits the Greek islands of Crete and Cyprus.

Its length is more than 10,000 km, but the route through Romania and Bulgaria is not yet completely defined.


from:Tarifa, southernmost point of mainland Spain
through mountains of Andalucia, Murcia and Valencia via Ronda, Alhama de Granada, Moratalla, Alcoi, Requena, Morella (GR7)
2300 km
Puigcerda in Pyrenees E of Andorra
Catalan coast at Ulldecona (GR8), Tarragona via Catalan coast path (GR92), Montserrat (GR172), then GR4 into Pyrenees
450 km


Montagne Noire Via Mont Canigou and Carcassonne (GR36), Villefort
through Haut Languedoc and Cévennes (GR71, 7, 72), Ardèche and Rhône valleyseast via GR44, 4, 42, 429, Swiss border near Geneva
N through Vercors, Grenoble, Chartreuse and Culoz (GR9)
1100 km


Follows the Jura ridgeway through the north of the country
- 300 km
along S shores of Lake Constance
150 km


Alternative 1:
On the route of Nordalpine Weitwanderweg 01 (Nordalpine route 01) are exposed stretches - for experienced mountain walkers only

1. Western section of the route495 km
through Bregenzer Wald, Lechquellengebirge, Lechtaler Alpen, Wetterstein-gebirge, Karwendelgebirge and Rofangebirge:

Bregenz (440 m) – Lustenauer-Hütte (1250 m) – 22 km, middle difficult tour
Lustenauer-Hütte (1250 m) – Damüls (1428 m) – 33 km, difficult tour
Damüls (1428 m) – Biberacher-Hütte (1846 m) – 18 km, very difficult tour
Biberacher-Hütte (1846 m) – Göppinger-Hütte (2245 m) – 16 km, difficult tour
Göppinger-Hütte (2245 m) – Ravensburger-Hütte (2234 m) – 31 km, very difficult tour
Ravensburger-Hütte (2234 m) – Stuttgarter-Hütte (2303 m) – 20 km, difficult tour
Stuttgarter-Hütte (2303 m) – Ansbacher-Hütte (2376 m) – 28 km, very difficult tour
Ansbacher-Hütte (2376 m) – Memminger-Hütte (2242 m), 25 km, very difficult tour
Memminger-Hütte (2242 m) – Steinsee-Hütte (2040 m) – 20 km, very difficult tour
Steinsee-Hütte (2040 m) – Anhalter-Hütte (2040 m) – 25 km, difficult tour
Anhalter-Hütte (2040 m) – Fernpass (1209 m) – 35 km, difficult tour
Fernpass (1209 m) – Ehrwald (994 m) – 20 km, middle difficult tour
Ehrwald (994 m) – Meiler-Hütte (2366 m) – 39 km, difficult tour
Meiler-Hütte (2366 m) – Scharnitz (964 m) – 30 km, middle difficult tour
Scharnitz (964 m) – Falken-Hütte (1846 m) – 30 km, middle difficult tour
Falken-Hütte (1846 m) – Murach am Achsensee (958 m) – 35 km, middle difficult tour
Maurach am Achsensee (958 m) – Steinberg am Rofan (1010 m) – 25 km, difficult tour
Steinberg am Rofan (1010 m) – Kufstein (504 m) – 43 km, easy tour

2. Middle section of the route441 km
through Kaisergebirge, Chiemgauer Alpen, Loferer Steingebirge, Hochkönig and Steinernes Meer, Tennengebirge, Dachsteingebiet and Totes Gebirge:

Kufstein (504 m) – Stripsenjoch-Haus (1580 m) – 19 km, middle difficult tour
Stripsenjoch-Haus (1580 m) – Straubinger Haus (1598 m) – 35 km, middle difficult tour
Straubinger Haus (1598 m) – Schmidt-Zabierow-Hütte (1966 m) – 39 km, difficult tour
Schmidt-Zabierow-Hütte (1966 m) – Lofer (626 m) – 16 km, middle difficult tour
Lofer (626 m) – Ingolstatter Haus (2199 m) – 31 km, middle difficult tour
Ingolstatter Haus (2199 m) – Riemann-Haus (2177 m) – 8 km, middle difficult tour
Riemann-Haus (2177 m) – Franz-Eduard-Matras-Haus (2941 m) – 25 km, very difficult tour on glacier
Franz-Eduard-Matras-Haus (2941 m) – Werfen (548 m) – 27 km, difficult tour on glacier
Werfen (548 m) – Lungötz (828 m) – 33 km, middle difficult tour
Lungötz (828 m) – Adamek-Hütte (2196 m) – 29 km, very difficult tour
Adamek-Hütte (2196 m) – Simony-Hütte (2206 m) – 12 km, very difficult tour on glacier
Simony-Hütte (2206 m) – Bad Goisern (500 m) – 32 km, middle difficult tour
Bad Goisern (500 m) – Loser-Hütte (1497 m) – 34 km, middle difficult tour
Loser-Hütte (1497 m) – Pühringer-Hütte (1638 m) – 25 km, middle difficult tour
Pühringer-Hütte (1638 m) – Priel-Schutzhaus (1422 m) – 20 km, difficult tour
Priel-Schutzhaus (1422 m) – Vorderstoder (660 m) – 18 km, middle difficult tour
Vorderstoder (660 m) – Spital am Pyhrn (647 m) – 38 km, middle difficult tour

3. Eastern section of the route478 km
Through Rax, Semmeringgebiet, Bucklige Welt and Rosaliengebirge

Spital am Pyhrn (647 m) – Admont (641 m) – 24 km, middle difficult tour
Admont (641 m) – Hess Hütte (1699 m) – 35 km, middle difficult tour
Hess Hütte (1699 m) – Radmer an der Stube (702 m) – 20 km, difficult tour
Radmer an der Stube (702 m) – Eisenerz (769 m) – 20 km, middle difficult tour
Eisenerz (769 m) – Sonnschien-Hütte (1525 m) – 25 km, middle difficult tour
Sonnschien-Hütte (1525 m) – Voisthaler Hütte (1660 m) – 1660 m) – 17 km, middle difficult tour
Voisthaler Hütte (1660 m) – Turnaueralm (1570 m) – 25 km, middle difficult tour
Turnaueralm (1570 m) – Neuberg, Krampen im Mürztal (756 m) – 31 km, middle difficult tour
Neuberg, Krampen im Mürztal (756 m) – Schneealpen-Haus (1788 m) – 31 km, middle difficult tour
Schneealpen-Haus (1788 m) – Karl-Ludwig-Haus (1803 m) – 21 km, difficult tour
Karl-Ludwig-Haus (1803 m) – Waxriegel-Haus (1361 m) – 12 km, middle difficult tour
Waxriegel-Haus (1361 m) – Maria Schutz (760 m) – 30 km, middle difficult tour
Maria Schutz (760 m) – Hochwolkersdorf (625 m) – 48 km, easy tour
Hochwolkersdorf (625 m) – Mattersburg (256 m) – 17 km, easy tour

After town Mattersburg the route of the E4 leaves the Nordalpine Weitwanderweg 01, and goes on other paths further.

Mattersburg (256 m) – Rust (123 m) – 32 km, easy tour
Rust (123 m) – Drassburg (234 m) – 20 km, easy tour
Drassburg (234 m) – Kabersdorf (320 m) – 28 km, easy tour
Kabersdorf (320 m) – Hochstrass (421 m) – 25 km, easy tour
Hochstrass (421 m) – Köszeg (271 m, border crossing point in Hungary) – 17 km, easy tour

Generally there are detours on the route of E4 to avoid the very difficult sections.
You can find map skeches and description about the whole route in the bookVon Neusiedler See zum BodenseeNordalpiner Weitwanderweg 01in German.

"'Alternative 2:
Subalpine route"'
to: Salzburg
Through Allgäu and Upper Bavaria via Neuschwanstein, Unterammergau, Bavarian Lakes (04)550 km
to: Wienerwald
via Salzkammergut (04)
550 km
to: Hainburg an der Donau
E Austrian border path (07)
150 km


On the route of the Országos Kéktúra (Countrywide Blue Tour in Hungary) – 1063 km
Through the Little Hungarian Plain and along the Transdanubian Medium Mountains and the Northern Medium Mountains.

Town Kőszeg (border crossing point) – peak of Irottkőtown Sárvár through the Mountains of Kőszeg and the Little Hungarian Plain70 km
Town Sárvártown Sümeg through the Little Hungarian Plain70 km
Town Sümegtown Keszthely and Lake Balaton through the Highland of Balaton47 km
Town Keszthelytown Tapolcavillage Nagyvázsony through the Basin of Tapolca and the Highland of Balaton. On the basin the path climbs almost every spent volcano: Badacsony, Gulács, Csobánc and Szent György Mountain83 km
Village Nagyvázsonyvillage Városlődtown Zircvillage Bodajk through the Bakony Mountains118 km
Village Bodajkvillage Szárliget through the Vértes Mountains48 km
Village Szárligettown Dorog through the Hilly Country of Gerecse67 km
Town DorogBudapest through the Pilis Mountains and Mountains of Buda40 km
Budapestpeak of Dobogókö (700 m) – village Visegrád, Danube Bend through the Buda and Pilis Mountains61 km
Village Visegrádvillage Nagymaroswith ferry across the Danube
Village Nagymarospeak of Hegyes- (centre mountain of Danube Bend) – village Kóspallagpeak of Csóványos (938 m) – village Nógrád through the Börzsöny Mountains38 km
Village Nógrádvillage Becskevillage Hollókő, it is a World Heritage Sitevillage Mátraverebély through the Hilly Country of Cserhát119 km
Village Mátraverebélypeak of Galyatetöpeak of Kékestető, 1014 m, the highest point of Hungaryvillage Sirokvillage Szarvaskő through the Mátra Mountains65 km
Village Szarvaskővillage Bélapátfalvavillage Bánkútvillage Putnokthrough the Bükk Mountains55 km
Village Putnokvillage Aggtelek, its stalactite cave is a World Heritage Sitevillage Bódvaszilas through the Hilly Country of Aggtelek62 km
Village Bódvaszilasvillage Boldogkőváralja through the Hilly Country of Cserehát65 km
Village Boldogkőváraljatown Sátoraljaújhely through the Zemplén Mountains55 km

In Sátoraljaújhely the route of the E4 leaves the path of the Countrywide Blue Tour and goes further on the route of Blue Tour of the Plain

On the route of Alföldi Kéktúra (Blue Tour of the Plain) – 262 km
Through the Great Hungarian Plain

Town Sátoraljaujhelytown Kisvárda63 km
Town Kisvárdatown Nyirbátor46 km
Town Nyirbátortown Bánk75 km
Town Bánkvillage Nagykereki78 km

After village Nagykereki the E4 leaves the path of Alföldi Kéktúra and goes to village Ártánd (border crossing point) – appr. 6 km

You can find detailed hiker maps and travelogues about the section of the Országos Kéktúra in Hungarian in the following books:
Az Országos Kéktúra Írottkötöl Budapest, Hüvösvölgyig
Az Országos Kéktúra Budapest, Hüvösvölgytöl Hollóházáig

There are websites of Hungarian hikers about the completion of the Országos Kéktúra:

* [ Hörpölin&sons website about the Blue Tour] – in English with travelogues and more than 1000 photos

* [ E&T Kéktúra oldala] – this is a website of young people walking the path of the Blue Tour with more thousand photosin Hungarian


The route of the E4 through Romania is not yet clearly defined.


to: Petrovo near Greek border via Vitosha, Rila and Pirin Mountains250 km
to: Kulata on Greek border by bus


KulataFlorina through North Greece
300 km
FlorinaItea on the Gulf of Corinth via Olympos, Meteora, Pindus, Parnassus, Delphi
900 km
EgioGythion on Gulf of Lakonia - through Peleponnese via Tripoli and Sparta
300 km
KastellionKato Zakros through Crete (not shown on map) from Kastellion through the White and Dikti Mountains
500 km

External links

* [ The Hungarian section of the E4 Long Distance Path] (Hörpölin&son's Blue Tour Website)
* [ An E4 walk in the province of Granada, Spain]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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