- Jajah
name = Jajah Web
caption = Jajah Web
developer = JAJAH Inc.
latest_release_version = 1.1 (build 1718)
latest_release_date =March 14 ,2007
operating_system =Cross-platform
genre =VoIP
website = [http://www.jajah.com/ www.jajah.com]Jajah is a
VoIP (Voice over IP ) provider, founded byAustrians Roman Scharf and Daniel Mattes in 2005. The Jajah headquarters are located inMountain View, CA , USA, andLuxembourg . Jajah maintains a development centre inIsrael .Jajah's primary service, Jajah Web, takes an approach called web-activated
telephony , using VoIP to connect traditional phones (landline or mobile). Calls are made withoutdownload or user-installedsoftware , and in most cases at rates lower than those of traditional phone companies or even free of charge.fact|date=September 2008History
*Jajah was founded in 2005 by Austrians Roman Scharf and Daniel Mattes.
*The first beta version of the Jajah Webphone, a proprietary
peer-to-peer internet telephony (VoIP) softphone, was released in July 2005.*
February 8 2006 Jajah Web version 1.0 (build 1708) released.*
September 12 2006 Jajah Web version 1.1 (build 1714) including conference calls*
September 27 2007 Jajah launches a solution named "Jajah Buttons" which enables small businesses or individuals to embed buttons on their Web sites to allow others to contact them by phone using the company's Internet telephony platform. Jajah Buttons caused a notable controversy wheneBay removed and banned such buttons from auction listings in eBay's site, presumably to protect revenues from its own VOIP solution provided bySkype . [cite web|url=http://www.pcworld.com/article/138078/voip_vendor_jajah_protests_ebays_ban.html|title=VoIP Vendor Jajah Protests eBay's Ban|last=Perez|first=Juan Carlos|date=Oct 6, 2007|publisher=PC World|accessdate=2008-09-18] [cite web|url=http://www.forbes.com/technology/2007/10/04/ebay-jajah-skype-tech-cx_rr_1004jajah.html|title=Don't Call Me, We'll Call You|last=Rosmarin|first=Rachel |date=October 4, 2007|publisher=Forbes|accessdate=2008-09-18]*
November 19 2007 Jajah launches the Jajah Direct service, which enables users to make phone calls without having to be next to a computer. Jajah Direct is a phone service that allows you to make long-distance or international calls by calling a local number, it works with every phone. There are no free calls using this service.fact|date=September 2008*
April 28 2008 Jajah provides its proprietary telephony infrastructure, payment processing, and customer care toYahoo! Messenger users using the platform for receiving calls from thePSTN network, or for making calls to land lines and mobile phones.fact|date=September 2008Jajah Web
Jajah Web connects existing traditional
landline ormobile phone s with calls that are set up via Jajah's Web site. Jajah claims that their service works with any standardweb browser .fact|date=September 2008Jajah Direct
Jajah Direct assigns local numbers to international contacts.
Jajah Free Global Calling
Jajah launched a service offering free calls globally on
June 28 2006 .fact|date=September 2008 The service is limited to specified geographic areas, and Jajah has also adopted a fair use policy which limits the amount of free Jajah calls.Calls between registered Jajah users are free of charge for landline and mobile calls within the USA, Canada, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and apply also for landline calls to and within most European countries as well as Argentina, Australia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico City, New Zealand, Venezuela and Zambia.
A limitation is that scheduled calls and conference calls cannot be free. In addition, Jajah's
FAQ pages says that Jajah asks its customers to pay from time to time (every six weeks). [ [http://www.jajah.com/info/help/faq/freecalls/ JAJAH Fair Use Policy] ] If you choose not to pay, Jajah will start charging as it would for a normal call. It should also be noted that the lowest amount that can be credited to your account (every six weeks, if you want to retain the free minutes) is $10.Technology
The process of establishing calls between two regular landline or mobile phones via VoIP is shown below.
Competing with Jajah, in July 2006,
Rebtel was launched enabling international mobile to mobile calling at local prices and in January 2007,Dingaling Communications also began offering a competing service.Jangl began offering a similar service that promises to connect to parties anonymously like Jajah Buttons, although by most accountswho Jangl has mostly disappeared from the industry.fact|date=September 2008 Jaxtr, Mig33, Mobivox, and Truphone are several other competitors in this section of the voip industry.ee also
*Voice over IP
External links
* [http://jajah.com/ Jajah.com]
* [http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/15/technology/disruptors_jajah.biz2/index.htm Business 2.0 about the service]
* [http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/may2007/tc20070509_032982.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_businessweek+exclusives BusinessWeek: Move Over, Skype: Intel's Backing Jajah]
* [http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN2827518020070529 Reuters: Deutsche Telekom backing Web-calling rival Jajah]
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