Isabelle Ferron

Isabelle Ferron

Isabelle Ferron (born 1967) is an actress in both film and stage. She is also a comedian and singer/dancer. Now she tries to write a musical with a friend, making her a complete artist.


Isabelle Ferron was born in January 27, 1967 in Poitiers, France. When she turned seven, her mother enrolled her in the Conservatoire de Poitiers to learn the art of dancing (which she was not fond of), and eventually to learn how to play piano. With her extreme talent and loads of energy, she decided to move to Poitiers to develop her skills. In 1987 she trained with Niels Arestrup, then with Maurice Benichou in 1988. Then from 1992 to 1997 she trained with John Strasberg. Isabelle then entered the theater stage in 1986 with her first performance in "Six Assassins Assassinés" followed by "Un Enfant Mort sur le Trottoir" in the same year (she was 19). After long years filled with experiences on stage, she moved to try the screen. She played the role of Didier's wife, Murielle in Didier Bourdon and Bernard Campan's "Le Pari" (The Bet) in 1997 and more films. From then on, she took turns from being on screen to the stage. In 1999, she was chosen to play the very energetic Lady Capulet in Gerard Presgurvic's version of Romeo et Juliette. She signed their contract without second thoughts, as she knew that she was about to interpret beautiful songs. She had once described her audition for the role, and said that she was first asked to sing a challenging, yet striking song, called La Haine (The Hate) and afterwards a song which she had found funny. The song was called Tu dois te marier (You Must Marry). After more than a hundred performances as Lady Capulet,Isabelle left the cast in July 21, 2001 to continue her switches from film to stage. She was replaced by Karoline Blandin. Isabelle was still included in the music videos of the two songs, Verone and Aimer. She was also chosen to appear in some TV shows such as Julie Lescaut. Her other stage performances include: "Y’a-t-il un Magicien dans la Salle"(Is there a magician in the room? a.k.a. Merlin) and "Un violon sur le toit", the French version of the classic "Fiddler on the Roof". She has several plans for her career. The first one is to write a musical with her colleague, Anna Angeli. She describes that in that certain play, she would have a scene where she is alone with the monologue and the music. If not, then Isabelle dreams to earn more roles for films, stage plays and musicals, like Romeo et Juliette. Isabelle Ferron continues to work as it is one of her strongest and deepest desires. In 2008, she was included in the Festival Diva Music (a festival of twenty different musicals). She performed in "L'ultime rendez-vous" and a solo lecture-musical called "Chienne".


*2004 - "Les Gens Honnêtes Vivent en France" by Bob Decout (Sabine Charpentier)
*2003 - "La Confiance Regne" by Etienne Chatillez (Infirmière)
*1998 - "Monsieur Naphtali" by Olivier Schatzky (Muriel)
*1997 - "Le Pari" by Didier Bourdon & Bernard Campan (Murielle)
*1996 - "Golden Boy" by Jean-Pierre Vergne
*1995 - "Pedale Douce" by Gabriel Aghion (Chantal)


*2007 - "Sa Raison d'être" Renaud BERTRAND (Muriel Blondel)
*2006 - "Reporters" Gilles BANNIER
*2005 - "Madame est dans l'Escalier" Luc BERAUD
*2005 - "Julie Lescaut – Dangereuses Rencontres" Daniel JANNEAU
*2003 - "Le Grand Patron – Effets Secondaires" Claudio TONETTI
*2002 - "Les Grands Frères" Henri HELMAN
*2000 - "La Maison du Pendu" Patrice MARTINEAU
*1992 - "Drôles d'histoires" Roger KAHANE


*2008 - "Happy Hanouka" d'Alex Pandev et Sylvie Audecoeur - Jean-Luc MOREAU
*2006 - "A Fond la Caisse" Théâtre La Grande Comédie - Jérôme FOUCHER
*2004 - "Faux Départ" Théâtre Rive Gauche - Thierry HARCOURT
*1994 - "J’ai 20 ans" - Roger LOURET
*1993 - "L’Ascenceur" Théâtre Les Blancs Manteaux - Roland MARCHISIO
*1990 - "Salade de Nuit" Théâtre Les Blancs Manteaux - M. LERIS
*1989/90 - "Le Prince Travesti" Espace Acteur - G. SHELLEY
*1988 - "La Cantatrice Chauve" - V. LABUSSIERE
*1987 - "La Sorcière" Guichet Montparnasse - G. O’PRETRE
*1987 - "Le Millénaire des Capétiens" La Villette - P. PREVOST
*1986 - "Un Enfant Mort sur le Trottoir" - I. FERRON
*1986 - "Six Assassins Assassinés" - L. BOURQUIN


*2007 - "L’Ultime Rendez-Vous" Péniche Opéra - Vincent VITTOZ (Philomar Katalayulipanki)
*2005/06 - "Un Violon sur le Toit" Théâtre Comédia & Tournée - J. DESCHAUX & O. BENEZECH (Golde)
*2002 - "Y’a-t-il un Magicien dans la Salle" - Gérard PULLICINO
*2000/01 - "Roméo et Juliette" - REDHA (Lady Capulet)
*1996/97 - "Passe Muraille" - Alain SACHS
*1993/96 - "Twist" - Roger LOURET
*1993 - "La Java des Mémoires" Théâtre de la Renaissance - Roger LOURET
*1992 - "Les Misérables" - Théâtre MogadorLa Royal Shakespeare Cie
*1988 - "Sylphide" - S. DORIAN

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