

In Hindu philosophy, sattva (Sanskrit "IAST|sattva" "purity", literally "existence, reality"; adjectival "IAST|sāttvika" "pure", anglicised sattvic) is the highest of the three gunas in Samkhya, "sāttvika" "pure", "rājasika" "dim", and "tāmasika" "dark".

attvic objects

For an object or food to be "sāttvika", it must be uncontaminated and should not spread evil or disease in the world. On the contrary its presence must purify the surroundings. Thus when an individual consumes such a food, he must feel that he is eating pure food. The food should be healthy, nutritious and clean. It should also not weaken the power or equilibrium of mind. This idea disallows aphrodisiac or other drugs and intoxicants that can affect the mind. It also disallows food or objects obtained after killing or causing pain to a creature. This is because the object would then have source in an evil act. It also excludes stale and pungent-smelling food.

Some objects that are considered "sāttvika" are:
*Flowers, fruits, and food that are allowed as offerings to God
*Neem tree
*The milk of a cow which has grown in good surroundings, is healthy and has been obtained after the calf of the cow has been fed well. In cases when the cow has been ill treated, it becomes sinful or evil to drink such milk. It must be remembered that the cow is sacred for the Hindus.

attvic creatures

A person or creature can be called "sāttvika" if the creature has predominantly "sāttvika" tendencies.

A "sāttvika" individual always works for the welfare of the world. He is always hardworking, alert and lives life moderately. He leads a chaste life. He eats moderately. He speaks the truth and is bold. He never uses vulgar or insulting language. He does not feel jealous nor is he affected by greed and selfishness. He does not cheat or mislead anyone. He does not even allow any evil tendencies to enter his mind. He has good memory and concentration. He also has keen interest in improving his spiritual knowledge, and spends time worshiping god or meditating. In the extreme state he may even perform penance or uninterrupted meditation. A "satvic" individual can be recognized if his mind, speech and actions synchronize. Manasa, vacha, karmana are the three Sanskrit words used to describe such a state.

Some of the people considered by Hindus to be "sāttvika" are:
*Holy men and bhaktas like Tulsidas, Tyagaraja, Tukaram
*Ancient rishis like Vashishta, Kashyapa
*Modern day sages like Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo, Vivekananda
*Divine beings in heavens
*Some flora and fauna like lotus (symbolizes purity), cow (symbolizes the earth mother)

See also

* sattvic diet
* ritual purity
* satya
* sat (Sanskrit)

External links

* [ Nature retreat India] The Satvik Centre facilitates satvik holidays and an authentic satvik experience. The Satvik is situated in the lake region of lower Himalayas, India
* [ Sattvic Leadership]
* [ Video film "Sattva" (film for meditation and relaxation.)] The film presents an opportunity to attune to the sattva of nature through immersing oneself meditatively into unity with it.

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