

Janmabhumi Newspaper is an Indian daily newspaper founded in 1977, published in a broadsheet format and owned by Matruka Pracharanalayam Ltd.

The paper's Managing Director is Kummanam Rajashekharan.

The paper's Chief Editor is Hari.S. Kartha.

The paper's headquarters are in Cochin.

Janmabhumi, a Malayalam language newspaper, is one of the oldest newspapers published in India and is the oldest Malayalam newspaper now in circulation. Janmabhumi publishes editions from Kochi, Kottayam, Kannur, Thrissur, Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode.

With an impetus to our unique tradition and cultural heritage, Janmabhumi emerges as one of the prestigious news papers of Kerala.We have strengthened our editorial Team by appointing Shri. Hari S. Kartha, who is a senior journalist with experience in Economic Times, Financial Express, Star News etc. as Chief Editor, Smt. Leela Menon as Editor and Shri. P. Balakrishnan as Managing Editor. Change in Layout and contents brought about by the Team has been widely appreciated by Readers.Today this publication is the leading voice echoing national aspirations and anxieties without any fear or favour in this hundred percent literate state where media plays a crucial role in shaping the perception of the people. It is assosiatated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the nationalist party Bharatiya Janata Party, India.

It contains full page issues about Samskriti (Cultural), Sports, Karshikam (Agriculture), Samakalikam (Recent Events Valuations), Garhikam (House) etc.


Sanskriti means the Cultural articles. It is the daily full page section of this paper and the most watched. It contains the Indian/Hindu Culture, Philosophy, Art, Ideologies, etc. It is prepared by the famous writer Sudhir Neerattupuram.


It is a weekly page (Friday) educate and explain the current striking issues like addressing subversive activities of anti-national groups, the proper scale of coercive religious conversion, psychological warfare by foreign agencies and Jihadi terrorism to the general readers. For centuries Indian society has been active in producing intellectuals, media persons, philosophers, psychologists, scientists, political theorists, artists, poets, spiritual leaders and life scientists. The social and psychological conditioning suffered by Indians lead frequently to the erosion of cultural identity and the depersonalization of individuals. Pseudo secular forces/intellectual zombies/intellectual mafia have joined with our enemies to restrict the terms of public debate. It takes intellectual capacity to think and makes change for the better.

External link

* [http://janmabhumidaily.com/ Janmabhumi online]

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