Ambulatory care nursing

Ambulatory care nursing

Ambulatory care nursing is characterized by rapid, focused assessments of patients, long-term nurse/patient/family relationships, and teaching and translating prescriptions for care into doable activities for patients and their caregivers. [ [] ]

Ambulatory care nurses work in outpatient settings and respond to high volumes of patients in short time spans while dealing with issues that are not always predictable. The specialty spans all populations of patients, and care ranges from wellness/prevention to illness and support of the dying.

The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) is the specialty nursing association of professional nurses who identify ambulatory care practice as essential to the continuum of high-quality, cost-effective health care. Its mission is to advance the art and science of ambulatory care nursing.

AAACN (formerly the American Academy of Ambulatory Nursing Administration) was founded in 1978 as a not-for-profit education forum. In 1993, the organization's name was changed to the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. Membership was broadened to include nurses in direct practice, education, and research roles, as well as those in management and administration.


External links

* [ American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing]
* []
* [ Nursing Spectrum]

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