Heineken Hungária

Heineken Hungária

The Heineken Hungaria Breweries Plc., as a Hungarian subsidiary of the international Heineken Group, is a key player of the Hungarian market with its internationally recognised brands, relying on 113 years of experience in brewing. It has two sites in Hungary in Sopron and Martfű, based on the former Sopron Brewery (Soproni Sörgyár) and Martfű Brewery (Martfűi Sörgyár).


The Sopron brewery was founded in 1895 by the merchants of the town and the owners of the brewery in Brno, relying on the Czech brewing tradition. In 1949 it was nationalized and from 1971 it was a part of the Magyar Országos Söripari Tröszt (Hungarian National Brewery Trust). It became independent again in 1982 and from 1988 it purchased some licenses of Austrian brands (e.g. Steffl, Kaiser).

The Martfű brewing plant of Heineken Hungária is a young brewery as it was founded in 1981 to respond to the regional scarcity of beer in the market at that time. The brewery finally went into production in 1985 near the city of Szolnok.

As a result of privatisation, the Martfű and the Sopron breweries were controlled by the Austrian Bräu-Union AG, who merged them under the name of Soproni Sörgyár Rt. (Sopron Brewery). At the end of 2003, Heineken N.V. purchased the Austrian parent, the Brau Union Group, and the Hungarian operation thus became a member of one of the world’s leading conglomerates.

The company has been continuing business as Heineken Hungária from June 2007, expressing more strongly its international nature, its skills and quality with reference to the Heineken brand.

Beer brands

Heineken Hungaria’s best known brands are:
* in the superpremium category:
** Heineken
** Gösser
** Gösser Ice

* in the premium category:
** Amstel
** Amstel Special
** Amstel Bock
** Amstel Pulse
** Kaiser
** Kaiser Dark
** Steffl
** Zlaty Bazant

* in the mainstream category:
** Soproni
** Soproni 1895
** Soproni Fekete Démon
** Soproni Kinizsi

* in the alcohol free category:
** Buckler
** Soproni Szűz
** Schlossgold

* in the economy category:
** Adambrau
** Aranyhordó
** Sárkány
** Jagerbrau
** Talléros

External links

* [http://www.heinekenhungaria.hu/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1|Heinekek Hungária Brewery Plc.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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