- Anzhong Science and Technology Promotion Fund
The Anzhong Science and Technology Promotion Fund (
Traditional Chinese : 安中科技獎勵基金;Simplified Chinese : 安中科技奖励基金), is a fund ofZhejiang University mainly for promoting scientific research and technologicalinnovation . [ [http://www.ocao.ningbo.gov.cn/temprule_article/009.jsp?aid=9199 宁波侨网 -赵安中父子在浙大设立“安中科技奖励金” ] ]Introduction
The fund is based on the donation from the famous Hong Kong-based industralist Zhao Anzhong (趙安中 / 赵安中), who was a
Zhejiang native (birthplaceNingbo ).Mr. Zhao donated 14
million Chinese Yuan to Zhejiang University in2005 . The Zhejiang UniversityGeneral Secretary Zhang Xi and the PresidentPan Yunhe received the endowment on behalf of the university, and a ceremony was also held. [ [http://www.zju.edu.cn/zdxw/jd/read.php?recid=11658 杏琴园教育基金向浙江大学捐赠1400万 ] ]One part of the fund was to build a new building for the Zhejiang University College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science. The building was finished in
2007 , and is named after Mr. Zhao. The rest of the fund is for promoting the scientific research and technological innovation at Zhejiang University.A recently finished (also in 2007) teaching building is also named after Mr.Zhao, the building currently belongs to the Zhejiang University College of Civil Engineering and Architecture. [ [http://www.zdxb.zju.edu.cn/article/show_article_one.php?article_id=5818 浙江大学报 ] ]
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