- Idaea muricata
name = Idaea muricata
image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Lepidoptera
familia =Geometridae
subfamilia =Sterrhinae
genus = "Idaea"
species = "I. muricata"
binomial = "Idaea muricata"
binomial_authority = Hufnagel,1767 The Purple-bordered Gold "(Idaea muricata)" is amoth of the familyGeometridae . It is found inEurope .The species has a
wingspan of 18-20 mm. The length of the forewings is 8-10 mm. The adults fly at night from June to July ref|flight_season.#Note|flight_season"The flight season refers to the
British Isles . This may vary in other parts of the range."External links
* [http://ukmoths.org.uk/show.php?id=1850 Purple-bordered Gold at UK Moths]
* [http://www.vlindernet.nl/?soortcode=IDAEMURI Vlindernet nl]
* [http://waarneming.nl/soort.php?id=9673 Waarneming.nl nl]
* [http://webh01.ua.ac.be/vve/Checklists/Lepidoptera/Geometridae/Imuricata.htm Lepidoptera of Belgium]
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