- Pro Loco
Italy , Pro Loco (the term is both singular and plural) are grass-roots organizations that seek to promote some particular place, almost always a town and its immediate area; "pro loco" is a Latin phrase that may be roughly translated "in favor of the place". Usually the town is a full-fledgedcomune , but not always: frazioni and other small places with a high level of civic pride may have their own Pro Loco.Very often, the name of a Pro Loco is just "Pro Loco N", where N is the name of the town; not infrequently, though, one meets with the simpler "Pro N", where N may be the name of the town or even its ancient Roman name.
The Pro Loco is a volunteer, grass-roots organization, and must not be confused with such publicly-financed organizations as the
Azienda di Promozione Turistica (APT) or theUfficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT), the aim of which is to promote tourism. In most Italian towns, the Pro Loco's main purpose is to organize, finance, advertise, and operate the localsagra orpalio ; it is thus quintessentially at the service of residents rather than visitors. In some places though, a wider purpose has been taken on, that of promoting the town's products or tourism; and in some few cases, a very active and socially conscious Pro Loco will sponsor publications, scholarly research, or the restoration of local monuments.
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