Iniquis Afflictisque

Iniquis Afflictisque

Iniquis Afflictisque (On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico) is an encyclical of Pope Pius XI promulgated on November 18, 1926 to denounce the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico. It was one of three encyclicals concerning Mexico, including Acerba Anima (1932) and Firmissimam Constantiamque (1937). [Philippe Levillain [ The Papacy: An Encyclopedia] p. 1208, 2002 Routledge] The Mexican government at the time was engaging in violently anticlerical persecution of the Church and the Pope harshly criticised the government for its abuses. [Philippe Levillain [ The Papacy: An Encyclopedia] p. 1208, 2002 Routledge]

The Pope criticized the state's interference in matters of worship, outlawing of religious orders and the expropriation of Church property. He noted that, "Priests are ... deprived of all civil and political rights. They are thus placed in the same class with criminals and the insane."

ee also

*Cristero War

External links

* [ Iniquis Afflictisque]


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