Marie-Thérèse Letablier

Marie-Thérèse Letablier

Marie Thérèse Letablier (born 1955) is a French sociologist. Her major sociological works concern work, family and gender issues. She is Research director in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and a senior research fellow in the Paris Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES).

Marie Thérèse Letablier is a member of the Executing Committee of the European Sociological Association (or ESA), an association aimed to facilitate sociological research, teaching and communication on European issues, and to build networks between European sociologists.[1]

Her research interests concerning family and gender issues have been mainly studied in a European comparative perspective. She has participated in several European research networks: on Families and Family Policies (for Sweden and France), on Gender and Employment (for Germany and France), on Social practices and Social Policies with regard to working and mothering, and on Childcare services.

Recent works

  • 2006, (with Jeanne Fagnani), "The French 35 hour working law and the work-life balance of parents: friend or foe?", in Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy, D. Perrons, C. Fagan, L. McDowell, K. Ray and K.Ward (eds.), Northampton, Edward Elgar, pp. 79-90
  • 2005, (with Jeanne Fagnani), "La politique familiale française", in M. Maruani (dir.), Femmes, genre et société, Coll. L’Etat des savoirs, Paris, fr:La Découverte, pp. 167-175.
  • 2005, (with Jeanne Fagnani), "Caring rights and responsibilities of families", in the French welfare state, in B.Pfau-Effinger and B. Geissler (eds), Care arrangements and social integration in European Societies, Policy Press, Berlin, pp. 153-172
  • 2004, (with Jeanne Fagnani), "Work and Family Life Balance: the impact of the 35 hour laws in France", in Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 18 (3) : 551 - 572
  • 2004, (with Jeanne Fagnani), J. Letablier M.T. (2003) , "La réduction du temps de travail a t-elle amélioré la vie quotidienne des parents de jeunes enfants ?", Premières Informations et Premières Synthèses, DARES, n°1-2
  • 2003, (with Jeanne Fagnani), ""S'occuper des enfants au quotidien : mais que font donc les pères ?", Droit Social, n°3, pp. 251-259
  • 2003, (with Jeanne Fagnani), "Qui s’occupe des enfants pendant que les parents travaillent ? Les enseignements d’une recherche auprès de parents de jeunes enfants", Recherches et Prévisions, n°72, pp. 21 - 36
  • 2001, (with J. Fagnani), Famille et travail : contraintes et arbitrages, La documentation

Française, Paris

  • 1999, (with M-T. Lanquetin and J. Laufer), « From equality to reconciliation of work and family in France », chap. 4, in L. Hantrais (ed) Gendered Policies in Europe, Macmillan, London
  • 1996, (with L. Hantrais), Families and Family Policies in Europe, Longman, London


  1. ^ She is specifically General secretary of the ESA and a member of the Committee for communications Cf. Executing Committee web page)

External links

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