- Shui On Land
Infobox Company
company_name = Shui On Land Limited
company_type =Privately-owned company
genre =
foundation =2004
founder =
location_city = flagicon|ChinaShanghai
location_country =China
location =
origins =
key_people =Chairman :Vincent Lo
area_served =
industry =real estate
products =
services =
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
parent =Shui On Group
divisions =
subsid =
owner =
company_slogan =
homepage = [http://www.shuionland.com/ Shui On Land Limited]Shui On Land Limited (hkex|272) is the
flagship property company of theHong Kong -basedShui On Group . It is engaged in developing large-scale city-core development projects and integratedresidential development projects in majorcities inChina , includingShanghai ,Wuhan ,Chongqing ,Hangzhou ,Dalian andFoshan . The company isheadquartered inShanghai and itschairman isVincent Lo . [ [http://www.shuionland.com/sol/tabid/109/Default.aspx Company Background of Shui On Group] ] [ [http://finance.google.com/finance?q=HKG:272 Summary of Shui On Land] ]Shui On Land was listed on the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange in2006 . [ [http://www.shuionland.com/sol/Portals/_default/Skins/SOL/images/pr_eng_20071122.pdf Shui On Land Forms the First Strategic Partnership on Municipal Level to Advance Tourism Development in Dali] ]Link
* [http://www.shuionland.com/ Shui On Land Limited]
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