Girolamo Priuli (1486-1567)

Girolamo Priuli (1486-1567)

Girolamo Priuli (Venice, 1486 – Venice, 4 November 1567) was a Venetian noble, who served as the eighty-third Doge of Venice, from 1 September 1559 until his sudden death from a stroke. He was the elder brother of the preceding doge, Lorenzo Priuli. Girolamo's face is familiar from Tintoretto's portrait.

Girolamo was the son of Alvise Peruli and his wife Chiara Lion. As a man of culture he seemed insignificant in relation to his brother; ineloquent, he was at first scarcely popular but gained respect through the works embellishing the city that he achieved as doge, in a period, above all, of peace for the "Repubblica Serenissima".

His early career established him as an able merchant, though not among the most prominent. He served as "procuratore di San Marco".

His marriage with Elena Diedo produced a son.

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