Confederation of Planes and Planets

Confederation of Planes and Planets

The Confederation of Planes and Planets, known as CoPaP, is a group of persistent worlds in the computer role-playing game Neverwinter Nights (NWN) based on third edition Dungeons & Dragons. The servers hosting the CoPaP persistent worlds are linked together using the Neverwinter Nights Extender (NWNx) application. The goal is to create a consistent virtual universe for in character interaction through servers using a common code set and joined through the use of the NWNx Vaultster system[1]. This system allows players to travel from member world to member world using the same player characters.

While each CoPaP server has its own team, rules and history they all follow a set group of rules and policies. Membership is required and the servers all enforce age limits for players, as well as in character player conduct.

CoPaP currently has 5 linked worlds with several worlds in development.

Present linked members include the world of Avlis, the Islands of Arkaz, the Plane of Ysgard - Hala, the Gray Wastes and Tairis'nàdur.

Currently all CoPaP worlds support NWN Version 1.69.



Neverwinter Nights persistent world
Avlis header.png
Black Dagger: The World of Avlis
Description Avlis is an HotU CoPaP server. There are currently 9 servers which make up the world: The City of Mikona, The City of Elysia, The City of Le'Or T'Nanshi, The City of Kuras, The City of Visimontium, the Nation of Deglos, the Nation of Ferrell, The Wilderness, and The Underdark.
Setting Avlis Campaign Setting (A world of steel and magery where no one race or philosophy predominates.)
Vault Type Server
Magic Moderate
Hakpak HOTU-1.69, CEP, CoPaP haks and tlk, server haks, all available on the website.
Schedule 24/7

Avlis is a campaign setting designed for use with Dungeons and Dragons developed over the past 20 years from a home-grown campaign setting, and branching into a large scale online campaign.


As a setting it is most notable for being used for the Neverwinter Nights persistent world of the same name, which spans 9 active servers and has one of the largest active player bases among such worlds.


Avlis has a psion class, and 8 custom holy warrior classes, one for each alignment other than Lawful Good (where the paladin class already fills that role). Avlis has a unique database-driven crafting system, a highly customized magic system, a specialized companion training system, and underwater areas. Players can also discover in-game boosts to classes such as a barbarian rage system that introduces different ways to rage, and specialized spell casting abilities that go above and beyond normal wizard powers. Spellcasters can change the elemental type of any spell they cast using special metamagic rods. Normal fighters gain more benefits from buff spells due to a custom Militant Level Bonus system that encourages spell casters to buff fighters, promoting player teamwork.

The Avlis wiki contains a full list of haks and additional world information.

External links


Neverwinter Nights persistent world
Arkaz header.gif
Description Arkaz is an HotU CoPaP server. There are currently 2 servers which make up the world: The Island of Nuvar and the Isle of Iron.
Setting Arkaz Campaign Setting.
Vault Type Server
Magic Low to Moderate
Hakpak Many haks required and available on website.
Schedule 24/7

Arkaz is a campaign setting designed for use with Neverwinter Nights. It is a persistent world.



Arkaz is a traditional setting utilizing many familiar D&D concepts. The world itself is made up of many islands, some large some small. Each island is a focus of a certain race. Nuvar, for example, is the primary human land.

Arkaz is currently one of the member worlds of the Confederation of Planes and Planets.


Arkaz contains many features expanding on Neverwinter Nights, such as custom races (e.g. the wemic), the inclusion of religious affiliations, and the ability to craft armor, clothing, and weapons. Other features include player owned homes, persistent storage chests, death system, quests and more. Arkaz uses the nwnx2 system to provide persistence.

World history


Arkaz was crafted by a being known to most as "The Maker". The Maker used the elemental forces acquired through the making of several stones of power called the "World Stones". After he crafted the islands he used his great power to draw people from everywhere to populate his creation.

Development of Arkaz

Arkaz began in 2005 as a small world with a handful of players. In that time it has grown to several hundred players, a good sized staff and currently hosts over 1000 areas. The world is currently contained on 3 servers linked using a common vault and database. Travel to the other CoPaP member worlds is done via portals.

Staff of Arkaz

Arkaz maintains a staff of scripters, builders, Dungeon Masters and other support staff.

External links

Gray Wastes

Neverwinter Nights persistent world
Gray Wastes
Description The Gray Wastes is a CoPaP server.
Vault Type Server
Magic Low to Moderate
Hakpak CEP, custom tilesets, and world haks
Schedule 24/7

The Gray Wastes is a persistent world using the Neverwinter Nights engine based on the Planescape setting. Hades shut its doors in December 2008 after 3 years of live gameplay.

The Setting

The Gray Wastes, plane of Neutral Evil in the Planescape cosmology.


Custom races, crafting, magic, healing kits, music, and many minor custom scripts.

External links


Neverwinter Nights persistent world
Description Hala is an HotU CoPaP server. There are currently 2 servers which make up the


Vault Type Server
Magic Low to Moderate
Hakpak Many haks required and available on website.
Schedule 24/7

Hala is a campaign setting designed for use with Neverwinter Nights. It is a persistent world.


The Setting

Central hub of CoPaP, Hala provides a means to travel the universe through the use of the staircase. Hala is made up of 2 servers The Plane of Ysgard and Hala itself. Acting as the Central Hub of Copap Hala allows players to travel between CoPaP worlds by use of the staircase, this allows players to experience each CoPaP world with the same character.


Custom Crafting system.
Custom races.

External links


Neverwinter Nights persistent world
Description Tairis'nàdur is an HotU CoPaP server.
Vault Type Server
Magic Low to Moderate
Hakpak Many haks required and available on website.
Schedule 24/7

Tairis'nàdur is a campaign setting designed for use with Neverwinter Nights. It is a persistent world.


The Setting

The common name for the two cities of this region is the Twin Cities. The Twin Cities are made up of the dwarven city, Murrandith, below ground, and the above ground city, which is home to a mix of races and is known as New Murrandith.


Custom races.

External links

External links


  1. ^ Interview with Papillon/Avlis team (APS/NWNX)

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