Angelo Iachino

Angelo Iachino

Angelo Iachino (or "Jachino"; April 4 1889 - December 3, 1976) was an Italian admiral during World War II.

Early life and career

Born at Sanremo, Liguria, Iachino entered the Italian naval academy at Livorno in 1904, and graduated in 1907.

During World War I he served as commander of a torpedo boat. For his bravery in a combat action he received a decoration at war's end in November 1918. From 1923 to 1928 he served in China as naval attache to the Italian embassy. In 1928 he assumed command of a destroyer, and then a cruiser in the early 1930s. During the Spanish Civil War he was the commander of two groups of light ships. He also participated in the occupation of Albania in April 1939.

World War II

Iachino commanded a cruiser squadron in the Battle of Cape Spartivento in 1940, and after the Battle of Taranto became an Ammiraglio di Squadra (Vice Admiral) and commander-in-chief of the Regia Marina. He led the navy in the battles of Cape Matapan (March 1941), First Sirte (December 1941) and Second Sirte (March 1942).

On 5 April 1943 he was relieved of command and replaced by Carlo Bergamini. He retired in 1954 with the rank of Ammiraglio d'Armata (Admiral), and died in Rome in 1976, at the age of 87.


*B.P Boschesi, "Cento Protagonisti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale"

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