Afe Annang

Afe Annang

Afe Annang is the traditional governing council of the Annang people of Calabar Kingdom of coastal southeastern Nigeria. It is also the representative of the Annang people in ethnic nationalism gathering in Nigeria. The Annang people are related to the Efik, Ibibio, Oron, Eket, and Ikom people with same ancestors and language (with minor dialect). See Noah (1988).

Traditional Institutions in Annang

Governance in Annang is done by the elders who act as the legislative arm called "Afe Isong", directed by the "Obong" or "Obong Ison or Obong Isong" (Village Chief and Clan Chief) who is the head and the chief executive. Authority of the Obong Isong is controlled by "Afe Ison or Afe Isong", the traditional legislature. The next level (higher level) of leadership is Clan Head who leads a group Afe Isong (a group of villages). The next higher level is the Paramount ruler who rules a group of clans. The traditional Obong Council of the Annang people is called Afe Annang and the council or legislature, or assembly is called Afe. Selection of an Obong is typically based upon a consensus of the village or clan through this complex social system. The leader of the traditional governing council of Annang people is called "Itai Afe Annang". Itai Afe Annang is the traditional leader, or the monarch of the Annang people. Therefore, the highest traditional leader of the Annang people is "Itai Afe Annang" meaning the pillar or the holding column of the Annang people.

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