Said Gafurov

Said Gafurov

Gafurov (Gafourov), Said Zakirovich (1967)—a Russian economist, orientalist, official, researcher and lecturer at Higher schools, a Gorky Tatar (Mişär or Misher) by origin, gradiated in 1992 from the College of Asian and African studies at the Moscow State University, Ph.D.(ec.), Counselor of the Russian Federation. Author of a number of monographs and articles. A son of Professor Gafurov Zakerya Shagizanovich–colonel, professional revolutionary, creator of theory of construction of revolutionary armies in developing countries and Gafurova (Khusainova) Anisa Sofovna–a professional artist, secretary of the Moscow union of artists.

Gafurov is an acknowledged expert on privatization and securities market development in post-socialist and developing countries, equity research, oriental studies and some special fields of philosophy.

Governmental service

Gafurov held a position of Director of Department of management of property of Finance, Credit, Insurance and Foreign Trade organizations of the Ministry of State Property of Russia.

Equity Research

Gafurov’s most interesting works of on the theory of equity research and securities analysis are attempts of application of the econometrics methodology to equity research. In addition, he tries to implement elements of common sense in the analysis of accounting and accounting reports.

From 1990ies he constantly asserted,Fact|date=July 2008 that he would create new, "theory of economic foresight". However, such a theory has not be not presented to enlightened public until now. There is an opinion, that Gafurov proved the theorem about absence of ergodity of securities market (sometimes it is so named "Gafurov's theorem").

Basic conclusion of the theorem is to prove that it is impossible to predict exactly time and depth of securities crisis on the basis of the accumulated experience (the mathematical apparatus of ergodity is used based on physics's uncertainty principle).

At Russian securities market analysis the name of Gafurov is associated with application of conception of ergodity of equity research based on a number of articles on 1997-1998 securities crisis. They caused an active discussion and hard criticism.

In general as a result of the discussion with participation of the prominent Russian mathematicians (Laureate of the State award in statistics A.Gorchakov and others), there is a dominating view that there is no necessity of introduction of complicated, difficult to understand and out-of-date conception of ergodity but it is desirable to use more convinient and accepted in the Russian scientific environment conceptions of stationarity or concept of homogeneity offered by Keynes.

Political economy and Theory of Property

Gafurov is an author of a valuable by empiric material monography "Essay on Experience of Comparative Analysis of Privatization and Formation of Corporate Securities Markets in Developing and Post-socialist Countries in 1991—1996" (Moscow State University. "Dialog", Moscow, 2000) and a few amusing, provocative works on theory and practice of political economy of property.


Gafurov is an author of a work on philosophical ideas of Lybian leader Muammar Kaddafi, translated to a few European, Arabic and even the African languages.

In addition, he is an author of a number of works on economy, privatization and development of economies, privatization and securities markets of the Arabic and Asiatic countries.

Gafurov is the author of an interesting work on the problems of Islamic sects: ismailsm, druzes, and alavites. He, in particular, supposed that all distinctions between flows in Islam (sunnizm and different directions of shiizm) were actually taken to the questions of implementation of law, but not dogmatic or personal reasons, because in an order to be a Muslim it is necessary and enough to make public acceptance of credo of faith, consisting only of two propositions: (1) that there is only one god (taukhid) and (2) that Muhammed is one of his prophets.

He supposed that registration of separate flow is a problem of codification and creation of a separate, independent "mazkhab" a legal school and norms of laws, distinguishing this flow from other directions in Islam.

Gafurov is known for his defense of memory of Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah - an assassinated Fatimid caliph who was later claimed insane by ismailities, christians and sunnites and deified by the druzes.

Works on philosophy< sociology and psychology

S. Z. Gafurov is an author of a number of works on the problems of philosophy, sociology and psychology. These works are secondary in relation to western sources and are not of great interest, although he applies on the Russian background a number of interesting materials on philosophy and psychology of securities market, and also a number of mathematical conceptions, not enough widespread among the Russian scholars.


* [ Gafurov's biography and some criticism due to viperson site (in Russian)]
* [On privatisation and securities market development in post-socialist and developing countries (in Russian)]
* [ (in Russian)]
* [ (in French)]
* [
* «Разве терпимо, когда мятежом возмущаются Гракхи?»
* [Gafurov on TV on Chinese menace]
* [ On sociology (in Russian)] .

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