Luis Bográn

Luis Bográn

Infobox_President | name=Luis Bogran Barahona
order=Head of State of Honduras
term_start=November 30, 1883
term_end= November 30, 1891
predecessor= Marco Aurelio Soto
successor=Ponciano Leiva
birth_date=3 June 1849
birth_place= Santa Barbara, Honduras
death_date=9 July 1895
death_place= Guatemala City, Guatemala
party=Partido Progresista
spouse=Teresa Morejon Ferrera
occupation= Politician, Military


Luis Bográn Barahona was a former President of Honduras, having served two consecutive presidential terms from November 30, 1883 to November 30, 1891. He was born in the northern Honduran state of Santa Barbara on June 3, 1849 to Saturnino Bográn Bonilla and Gertrudis Barahona Leiva. He was a member of a prominent and wealthy political family. Luis Bográn was half-brother and first cousin of ex-president Francisco Bográn (10/5/1919 - 2/1/1920) and first cousin of ex-president Miguel Paz Barahona (2/1/1925 - 2/1/1929).

After successfully completing his secondary school studies in his home town, a young Luis Bográn pursued a law degree at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, and later pursued a career in the military. Bográn reached the rank of General within a few years, after successful military campaigns against Salvadoran military adversaries attempting to infiltrate national territory. He married Teresa Morejon Ferrera in 1878. Soon after, he became involved in politics, and later became ex-president Marco Aurelio Soto's protégé.

His two consecutive terms as president were considered to be very prosperous for the nation. He is known for greatly expanding the educational system by establishing a number of learning institutions around the country, attracting considerable foreign investment (especially into the agricultural sector), improving the infrastructure of the capital city, and encouraging research and investigation of the ancient Mayan city of Copan. As a strong supporter of Francisco Morazan's ideal, President Bográn was a unionist and attempted to bring about, with the help of then Guatemalan President Justo Rufino Barrios, the unification of the five Central American states. Ultimately, the unionist agenda was defeated as the ultra-conservative power elites in these states successfully thwarted unification attempts.

Luis Bográn died in Guatemala city, Guatemala on the 9th of July, 1895.

Luis Bográn as President of the Republic of Honduras

Luis Bográn is renowned in Honduras for greatly expanding the educational system throughout the major cities and towns of Honduras. He founded the Escuela de Artes y Oficios (National School of Arts), the Academia Científico-Literario (Literary-Scientific Academy), and the Tipografia Nacional (National Typography/Press). He also attracted substantial foreign investment, especially into the agricultural arena, which resulted in job creation and economic development of the northern coast. He improved the infrastructure of the capital city, Tegucigalpa. President Luis Bográn also initiated the process of research and investigation in the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Copan by inviting foreign universities to study the artifacts and architecture left behind by the Mayans. He was also one of the founding members of the Partido Nacional de Honduras, PNH (National Party of Honduras).

External links

* [] brief biography on HRN (Honduran National Radio) website.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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