

name = Lambeocears
fossil_range = eM Ordovician

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Nautiloidea
ordo = Actinocerida
familia = Wutinoceratide
genus = " Adamsoceras "
genus_authority = Flower, 1957

Adamsoceras is an actinocerid and a member of the Wutinoceratidae, with spheroidal siphuncle segments like "Ormoceras" but having a reticular canal system like "Wutinoceras". Adamsoceras has a slender, gently expanding, orthoconic shell that is slightly broader than high, i.e. depressed, with close spaced septa that form ventral lobes and a siphuncle that is near the ventral margin.

Adamsoceras is known from rocks of Whiterockian age (early Middle Ordovician) in Nevada, the Baltic, Tasmania, and Manchuria. Adamsoceras may have been derived from "Wutinoceras", or from a common ancestor, and give rise to "Ormoceras".

The genotype is "Adamsoceras isabelae" from the upper Pogonip Group in Ikes canyon in the Toquima Range in Nevada, named and described by Rousseau H. Flower in 1957.


* Flower R.H. 1957. Studies of the Actinoceratida, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (NMBMMR) Memoir 2, Socorro NM .
* ______ 1968, The First Great Expansion of the Actinoceroids, NMBMMR PartI Memoir 19

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