Alstonia constricta

Alstonia constricta

name = "Alstonia constricta"

image_caption = "Alstonia constricta" foliage and flowers
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Gentianales
familia = Apocynaceae
tribus = Plumeriae
subtribus = Alstoniinae
genus = "Alstonia"
species = "A. constricta"
binomial = "Alstonia constricta"

"Alstonia constricta", commonly known as Quinine Bush or Bitterbark, is an endemic Australian endemic shrub or small tree of the family Apocynaceae. "A. constricta" has an erect growth form. Growing to 12 m in height. The species is capable of producing adventitious shoots or ‘suckers’ from the root system and in this manner often forms thickets. Leaves are pubescent, narrow and lanceolate, from 5-20 cm in length. Flowers are white to cream, 2- 4 cm across. The bark has a corky textured and develops a grooved appearance in older plants.The sap of "A. constricta" is a white latex, and contains several alkaloids, several of which have medicinal potential, including reserpine.

Distribution and habitat

"A constricta" is the only subtropical member of the genus, and occurs in Eastern Australia from the Tropic of Capricorn southward to northern New South Wales. The species occurs in Eucalypt and "Acacia" woodlands, vine scrubs and gallery forests from humid coastal regions through to the semi-arid and arid inland.

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