Ergon (US)

Ergon (US)

company_name = Ergon, Inc.
company_logo =| company_type = Private
company_slogan =
foundation =
location = Jackson, Mississippi
key_people = Leslie B. Lampton Sr., CEO
num_employees = 2,300 (2003)
industry = Utilities & Marketing
products = Diversified Utilities
revenue = profit $2 billion (USD)
homepage = []

Ergon, Inc. is based in Jackson, MS and is a privately owned company. Ergon includes operations as a refiner, transporter, producer, distributor and marketer of petroleum products. Their manufactured products group manufactures and markets various products ranging from computer boards and systems to road maintenance products and equipment. Ergon owns the Vicksburg Refinery located in Vicksburg, Mississippi and also owns 500 wells, mostly in Louisiana and in East Texas.

Partnerships and Subsidiaries

*Diversified Technology, Inc. is an Ergon company that engineers and manufactures embedded systems within the AdvancedTCA, CompactPCI, ETX, COM Express, and PCI/ISA form factors.
*Craftco, Inc. is an Ergon company which manufactures pavement maintenance products and equipment including hot pour asphalt crack sealants.
*Tricor Refining, LLC is owned by a partnership of Ergon and San Joaquin Refining, Inc.
*Lion Oil has been an affiliate of Ergon since 1985 and owns a refinery located near Smackover crude oil field and in El Dorado, Arkansas.
*Lampton-Love, Inc., Ergon's subsidiary, serves liquid petroleum gas (LPG) retail and wholesale customers across the mid-South.

External links

* [ Ergon website]
* [ Ergon Petroleum Specialties Marketing Division]
* [ Diversified Technology, Inc. website]

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