

Among cultures in the Philippines, Tapis may generally refer to a single rectangular piece of cloth one wraps around oneself as clothing, but usually specifically applies to a colorful hand-woven wraparound skirt which was commonly used by women throughout the Philippines before the arrival of European colonizers, and which is used by some indigenous tribes today.

The tapis worn by the Cordilleran women of Northern Luzon, known locally as the "alampay", are the most prominent example.

It is worn by wrapping the cloth around one's waist and holding the ends together with the use of a tightly tied sash. It generally reaches down to knee length, and the weaving pattern of describes the culture and temperament of the wearer's tribe.


* [http://www.ifugao.gov.ph/clothes.htm Ifugao Province: Clothes]
* [http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/ceb/2008/04/17/oped/michelle.p..so.caught.in.the.net.html So, Michelle. "Caught in the Net: ‘Tapis’ cops"(editorial column) Sun Star Cebu. April 17, 2008]

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