

Nacaome is the capital city of the Valle department of Honduras. It is a manufacturing and commercial center located on the Nacaome River.

Nacaome is an old city founded when aboriginal Cholulas and Chaparrastiques, tired of fighting each other, thought it best to join together to build new houses in the middle of their territory on the west side of the Chapulapa River (the aboriginal name of the Nacaome River). They named the new town Naca-Ome, meaning "union of two races" in their dialects. In Nahuatl Naca means race or body and Ome means two. This foundation happened before the Spanish conquerors came.

Nacaome was affected by Hurricane Stan.

Coordinates: 13°53N 87°48W / 13.883°N 87.8°W / 13.883; -87.8

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