

nihongo|Kiku-ichimonji|菊一文字| ("Chrysanthemum and "Ichi" character"), also "Kiku-ichimoji", often and somewhat erroneously romanized as "Kikuichi-monji", is a collective name given to the Japanese swords made by the thirteen swordsmiths who were in attendance to the Emperor Go-Toba in 1208. Each swordsmith was in attendance to the emperor for a month of the Japanese calendar. The swordsmiths of the Fukuoka School traditionally inscribed only the character "Ichi" (一, "one") on the tang as their signature. They further received permission to append the Imperial chrysanthemum crest (菊, "kiku") on the tang, thus their swords are known collectively as "Kiku-ichimonji". Go-Toba was interested in the construction of Japanese swords, and so he summoned these swordsmiths, granting them court rank and title, and asking them to share the secrets of the production of higher-quality swords.

List of Swordsmiths

*1st month: Norimune (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)
*2nd month: Sadatsugu (from Ko-aoe in Bitchū Province)
*3rd month: Nobufusa (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)
*4th month: Kuniyasu (from Awataguchi in Yamashiro Province)
*5th month: Tsunetsugu (from Ko-aoe in Bitchū Province)
*Intercalary month: Hisakuni (from Awataguchi in Yamashiro Province)
*6th month: Kunitomo (from Awataguchi in Yamashiro Province)
*7th month: Muneyoshi (from Fukuoka, in Bizen Province)
*8th month: Tsuguie (from Ko-aoe in Bitchū Province)
*9th month: Sukemune (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)
*10th month: Yukikuni (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)
*11th month: Sukenari (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)
*12th month: Sukenobu (from Fukuoka in Bizen Province)

Kikuichi-monji in fiction

Owing to the popularity of Shiba Ryōtarō's fiction, many modern fans of the Shinsengumi believe a Kiku-ichimonji made by Norimune to have been Okita Soji's sword. Historically, Okita used a sword made by Kiyomitsu of Kaga Province, among other blades.

In the anime and manga versions of "Rurouni Kenshin", a Norimune-made Kiku-ichimonji is wielded by Seta Sōjirō (who is based on a darker Okita from the novel "Shinsengumi Keppuroku".)

It appears in the video game "Golden Sun" as an artifact weapon, of the Light Blade Style. The special attack it delivers is "Asura".

It also appears in several video games in the "Final Fantasy" series. In "Final Fantasy Tactics Advance", it is a katana-type weapon that can be used by either a Ninja or an Assassin. It gives Ninja the 'Metal Veil' A-Ability, and Assassins the 'Nightmare' A-Ability. It is described as a " [s] word so beautiful it seems a shame to use it." As "Kiku-ichimonji," it appears in "Final Fantasy III" as a dark blade and in "Final Fantasy V Advance" as a katana. It is described as being engraved with a chrysanthemum, the Imperial Seal of Japan, just as in the real kikuichi-monji.

In the video game "", it is a very powerful sword usably only by Fia, who uses the Oboro-Garasu skill. Different than the normal swords, which can be used 30-50 times before disappearing, the Kiku-Ichimonji can be used only five times.

The Gerbera Straight, carried by Lowe Guele's Gundam Astray Red Frame in Gundam SEED Astray series, is a translation of kiku-ichimonji, and is also forged by 13 swordsmiths.


* [ Brief history and list of the 13 Kiku-ichimonji swordsmiths] (19 Sept. 2007)
*ja icon [ Japanese Wikipedia page on Norimune's Kiku-ichimonji] (19 Sept. 2007)
*ja icon [ "Beloved Swords of the Shinsengumi members"] (19 Sept. 2007)
*ja icon Kikuichi sword on display at Seikado Museum [] in Tokyo

External links

* [ Kikuichi] cutlery company with historical ties to a Go-Toba era swordsmith []
* [ Reproduction of Norimune's Kiku-ichimonji sword] (19 Sept. 2007)

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