Una Voce

Una Voce

Una Voce (Engl.: "With One Voice" from the Preface to the Roman Canon) is an international federation of Catholic lay organizations attached to the Tridentine Mass, the liturgy that was codified at the Council of Trent in 1570 and remained the normative Roman rite for nearly 400 years until Vatican II. Una Voce was founded in 1966 and currently includes organizations from twenty-eight countries world-wide. In addition to promoting the use of the Roman Missal as codified by Saint Pius V, Una Voce also actively encourages the use of Gregorian Chant and sacred polyphony in this traditional Catholic liturgy.


* 1966-1992 : Eric de Saventhem (Una Voce America)
* 1992-2004 : Michael Davies (The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales)
* 2004-2005 : Ralf Siebenbürger (Una Voce Austria)
* 2005-2006 : Fra’ Fredrik Crichton-Stuart (Una Voce Scotland)
* 2006-2007 : Jack Oostveen (Ecclesia Dei Delft of the Netherlands)
* 2007-presently: Leo Darroch (The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales)

Council (as elected in 2007)

* Leo Darroch, LMS of England and Wales, president
* Jack Oostveen, Ecclesia Dei Delft, Netherlands, vice-president
* Monika Rheinschmitt, Pro Missa Tridentina, Germany, treasurer
* Rodolfo Vargas Rubio, Roma Aeterna, Spain, secretary
* William Basile, UV America
* Fabio Marino, Co-ordinamento di Una Voce delle Venezie, Italy
* Oleg-Michael Martynov, UV Russia
* David Reid, Vancouver Traditional Mass Society, Canada
* Kurt Bantle, UV Germany
* Diane Taylor, Ecclesia Dei Society, New Zealand
* Jason King, UV America
* Riccardo Turrini Vita, UV Italia

External links

* [http://www.ifuv.org Una Voce International]
* [http://www.unavoce.fr Una Voce France]
* [http://www.confiteordeo.info/latin_masses.htm The Indult Tridentine Rite of Mass] at [http://www.confiteordeo.info "The Truth About the Catholic Church"]

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