Gabriel Thomas

Gabriel Thomas

Gabriel Jules Thomas (September 10, 1824 - March 8, 1905) was a French sculptor, born in Paris.

In 1848 he won the Prix de Rome in the sculpture category with his "Philoctète partant pour le siège de Troie" ("Philoctetes Leaves for the Siege of Troy") in plaster. This piece was briefly displayed in New York City at the Dahesh Museum for their 2005-2006 exhibition entitled "The Legacy of Homer." It is normally kept at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.


* "Virgil", 1861, marble, Paris, Musée d'Orsay
* "Mademoiselle Mars", plaster, Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers
* "The Stoning of St. Stephen", 1863, Paris, the church of Saint-Étienne-du-Mont
* "Frankfurt", 1864-1865, stone, Paris, façade for the Gare du Nord train station
* "Bust of Augustin Dumont", bronze, 1877, Pont-Audemer, Musée Alfred Canel

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*cite web | url = | title = photographs of several works
publisher = insecula | accessdate=2008-07-17

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