- Samuel Bochart
Samuel Bochart (
Rouen ,30 May 1599 -Caen ,16 May 1667 ) was a French Protestant biblical scholar, a student of Thomas Erpenius and the teacher ofPierre Daniel Huet . His two-volume "Geographia Sacra seu Phaleg et Canaan" (Caen 1646) exerted a profound influence on seventeenth-century Biblicalexegesis .Bochart was one of the several generations of antiquaries who expanded upon the basis Renaissance humanists had laid down, complementing their revolutionary
hermeneutics by setting classical texts more firmly within the cultural contexts of Greek and Roman societies, without understanding of which they could never be fully understood. [Peter N. Miller, "The "Antiquarianization" of Biblical Scholarship and the London Polyglot Bible (1653-57)" "Journal of the History of Ideas" 62.3, (July 2001).] Thus Bochart stands at the beginning of a discipline of thehistory of ideas that provides the modern context for all textual studies.Life
He was for many years a pastor of a
Protestant church atCaen , and also studied inOxford , where he was tutor to Wentworth Dillon, later Earl of Roscommon.Bochart's "Hierozoicon sive bipartitum opus de animalibus sacrae scripturae" (2 vols., London 1663), a zoological treatise on the animals of the Bible was more than a Christianized
Pliny's Natural History nor just an expansion of Conrad Gesner's "Historiae animalium". Bochart instanced the Arabic naturalists, like al-Damîrî and al-Qazwini, none of whose work had appeared in European print before. His etymologies follow the fanciful tradition inherited fromClassical Antiquity and passed to medieval culture throughIsidore of Seville .In 1652
Christina of Sweden invited him toStockholm , where he studied the Arabic manuscripts in the queen's possession. He was accompanied byPierre Daniel Huet , afterwardsBishop of Avranches . On his return to Caen he was received into the academy of that city.Bochart was a man of profound erudition; he possessed a thorough knowledge of the principal
Oriental language s, including Hebrew,Syriac ,Chaldean and Arabic; and at an advanced age he wished to learnEthiopic . Bochart's examples and quotations provided challenges to London typographers, who created typefaces to reproduce them. He was so absorbed in his favorite study, that he saw Phoenician origins even in Celtic words, ["Absurd curiosity (for we must call things by their right names) has been carried so far as to seek Hebrew and Chaldee derivations from certain Teutonic and Celtic words. This, Bochart never fails to do. It is astonishing with what confidence these men of genius have proved that expressions used on the banks of the Tiber were borrowed from the patois of the savages of Biscay."Voltaire , "Philosophical Dictionary", 1764: "Augury" ( [http://oll.libertyfund.org/Home3/HTML.php?recordID=0060.03 on-line] )] and hence the number of chimerical etymologies which swarm in his works.His correspondence on theological subjects, carried on with Cappellus,
Salmasius andVossius was included in his posthumous collected works, and so achieved a wide distribution.He died of apoplexy in the academy of
Caen during an impassioned debate with Huet on the translation of a passage ofOrigen related totransubstantiation .His major works
dictionary of Arabic
*"Geographia Sacra seu Phaleg et Canaan" (Caen 1646)
*"De consiliandis in religionis negotio protestantibus", 1662
*"Hierozoïcon", (London 1663)Notes
*Miller, Peter N. "The "Antiquarianization" of Biblical Scholarship and the London Polyglot Bible (1653-57)" "Journal of the History of Ideas" 62.3(July 2001), pp. 463-482.
* Thiollet, Jean-Pierre, "Je m'appelle Byblos" (pp. 234-243), H & D, Paris, 2005. ISBN 2 914 266 04 9
* [http://www.smitskamp.nl/644-RAR.HTM (Smitskamp, 2003) Samuel Bochart, "Opera omnia"] Bibliographic description.
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