- Barry Hill (writer)
Barry Hill (born
June 19 ,1943 ) is anAustralia n historian, poet, journalist and academic.Hill has worked in both Melbourne and London. In London he worked for the
Times Literary Supplement .cite web |title= Agent details - Hill, Barry |publisher= Austlit |url= http://www.austlit.edu.au/run?ex=ShowAgent&agentId=A(%2BU |accessdate= 2008-07-12] Since 1975 Hill has been a full time writer and is currently Poetry Editor ofThe Australian newspaper.Hill is married to
Rose Bygrave , a member of the "The Goanna Band".cite web |title= Writers' Weekly Wrap (Saturday, March 11, 2006) |publisher= Australian Literature Diary |url= http://austlit.blogspot.com/2006/03/writers-week-wrap.html |accessdate= 2008-07-12]Performance works
Hill has produced performance works for radio, including "Desert Canticles" that premiered on
ABC Radio onFebruary 5 ,2001 .cite web|title= The Listening Room, February 2001 |publisher= ABC Classic FM |url= http://www.abc.net.au/classic/lroom/stories/s233458.htm |accessdate= 2008-07-12] cite web |title= Desert Canticles |publisher= Music Australia |url= http://nla.gov.au/nla.cs-ma-an26051019 |accessdate= 2008-07-12] Hill is quoted as saying that inspiration for the piece:"Desert Canticles arises out of a marriage, a decade of travelling, and some years writing the literary biography of T.G.H. Strehlow out of Central Australia. I was writing my own poems out of love and the landscape, while trying to fathom Strehlow's great achievement in
Songs of Central Australia . So the notion of translation as a metaphor for relationship - with place, with others, and with songs of different cultures (Hebraic, Buddhist, and Aboriginal) became a natural one upon which to thread a radio work."Awards
* 1991
New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Douglas Stewart Prize for non-fiction, for "Sitting In"
* 1994New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry for "Ghosting William Buckley"
* 2003Victorian Premier's Literary Award Non-Fiction award for "Broken Song: T G H Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession"
* 2004New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards NSW Premier's Biennial Prize for Literary Scholarship for "Broken Song: T.G.H. Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession"
* 2004Victorian Premier's Literary Award , the Alfred Deakin Prize for an Essay Advancing Public Debate for "The Mood We're In: circa Australia Day 2004"cite web |title= The Alfred Deakin Prize for an Essay Advancing Public Debate: Winner 2004 |publisher= State Library of Victoria |url= http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/literary/pla/adprize/winner2004.html |accessdate= 2008-07-12]
* 2004National Biography Award for "Broken Song: T G H Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession"
* 2004 Tasmania Pacific Bicentenary History Award for "Broken Song: T G H Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession"cite web |title= Winners of the Tasmanian Bicentenary History Prizes |publisher= 2004 Bicentenary of Tasmania, Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts |url= http://www.bicentenary.tas.gov.au/page.php?id=123 |accessdate= 2008-07-12]
* 2005Victorian Community History Awards for Best Print/Publication, with and the Borough of Queenscliffe, for "The Enduring Rip: A History of Queenscliffe"Bibliography
* "Raft: Poems 1983-1990" (Penguin, 1990)
* "Ghosting William Buckley" (Heinemann, 1993)
* "The Inland Sea" (Salt Publishing, 2001)
* "Drawing from Freud and other poems", Best Poems of 2003" (Black Inc, 2004)
* "A Long Swim", Best Poem of 2004"
* "Himalayan Fire", Best Poems of 2005"
* "Her Heart is Embroidered", Australian Business Review" (March 2006)hort Stories
* "A Rim of Blue" (McPhee Gribble, 1978)
* "Headlocks & Other Stories" (McPhee Gribble, 1983)Novels
* "The Schools" (Penguin, 1977)
* "Near the Refinery" (McPhee Gribble, 1980)
* "The Best Picture" (McPhee Gribble, 1988)Non-fiction
* "Sitting In" (Heinemann, 1991)
* "The Rock: Travelling to Uluru" (Allen & Unwin, 1994)
* "The Enduring Rip: A History of Queenscliffe" (MUP, 2004)Essays
* "The Mood We're In: circa Australia Day 2004." Overland 77.
* 'Crossing Cultures.'Meanjin (Vol. 4. 2003)
* 'Poems That Kill.'Griffith Review (Vol. 7, 2005)Biography
* "Broken Song: T G H Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession" (Knopf-Random House 2002)
* "The Dark" (Southern Cross University - University Library Lismore collection, 1999)cite web |title= Barry Hill, books and texts |publisher= Music Australia |url= http://www.musicaustralia.org/apps/MA?function=searchResults&term1=Hill,%20Barry,&scope=scope¶meter1=phrase&location1=Anywhere |accessdate= 2008-07-12]
* "Desert Canticles",Veronica Dobson (performerer),Elena Kats-Chernin (composerer) (Australian Music Centre, 2001)
* "Song of Songs" , music byAndrew Schultz (Australian Music Centre)
* "Love Strong as Death: a New Song of Songs", composer Andrew Schultz, performed at 'The Studio', The Sydney Opera House, May 2004Notes
*cite web |title= Dr Barry Hill, ARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, English Literary Studies |publisher= University of Melbourne, Faculty of Arts - School of Culture and Communication |url= http://www.culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/people/barry-hill.html |accessdate= 2008-07-12
*cite web |title= Agent details - Hill, Barry |publisher= Austlit |url= http://www.austlit.edu.au/run?ex=ShowAgent&agentId=A(%2BU |accessdate= 2008-07-12
*cite web |title= Barry Hill, books and texts |publisher= Music Australia |url= http://www.musicaustralia.org/apps/MA?function=searchResults&term1=Hill,%20Barry,&scope=scope¶meter1=phrase&location1=Anywhere |accessdate= 2008-07-12
*cite web |title= Five Islands Press Authors |publisher= 5 Islands Press |url= http://www.fiveislandspress.com/authors.html |accessdate= 2008-07-12
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