- Loving-kindness
Loving-kindness (or "lovingkindness") is a term coined by
Myles Coverdale for hisCoverdale Bible of 1535 [http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50136107?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=lovingkindness&first=1&max_to_show=10] [http://www.gracecathedral.org/enrichment/brush_excerpts/brush_20050830.shtml] , as an English translation of the Hebrew wordhesed (which appears in the LatinVulgate as "misericordia"); in that text it is spelled "louinge kyndnesse". It is also used in this sense in theAmerican Standard Version and various other versions of theBible [http://mb-soft.com/believe////txw/agape.htm] . It is sometimes associated with the Greek termagape .Use in Buddhism
"Loving-kindness" is also used as an English equivalent for the Buddhist term
Mettā .Use in Bahá'í Faith
English translations of the writings of the
Bahá'í Faith often use the term "loving-kindness" when referring to the original Persian "mohabbat". This is in line with the style chosen byShoghi Effendi to use a slightly archaic form of English. [http://www.bahai.us/sacred-writings]Notes
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