Serge Venturini

Serge Venturini

Serge Venturini (October 12, 1955, Paris) is a French cite web
title=Serge Venturini
] Poet of "devenir" ("destiny"), several metamorphoses run through his poetry. From his poetics of human destiny, through post-human and transhuman poetics, he came to the transvisible thematic.


Serge Venturini is a poet and a French teacher in Val-d'Oise since 1996, when he came back to France after having lived in Lebanon (1979-1981) and Morocco (1981-1984). After a brief come back to France (1984-1987), he lived in Armenia (1987-1990) and in Poland (1990-1996), on temporary assignment for the French Foreign Affairs Ministry. [fr Foreign Affairs Ministry Archives, DRH, 1970-2000.]

His mother (born in Figline di Prato) worked sometimes as dressmaker, sometimes as cleaning lady, and his father (born in Rutali) was a cartographic designer at the Institut Géographique National during the week, and, with his brother Jean, guitarist and singer at feast days in Corsican receptions during the fifties in Paris. He spent his childhood not far from the Musée Rodin in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. From 1955 till 1979, he stayed in 3 rue Rousselet. He was introduced to Heraclitus, Empedocles, Arthur Rimbaud and Friedrich Nietzsche. He began to write when he was fifteen.

His "poésie du devenir" ("poetry of destiny"), lightning and crystal-clear according to Geneviève Clancy who revealed him, is influenced by Pierre Reverdy and even more by René Char, and is at the junction of poetry and prose, of politics and philosophy. It was recognised as such by Yves Bonnefoy, André du Bouchet, Abdellatif Laabi and Laurent Terzieff.

His books deal with the "fight of the being". Air, earth, water and most of all fire have a peculiar importance in his works. The Resistance of poetry lies at the heart of his daily fights in favour of a rebellious speech, freer and freer, more and more opened up. He elaborates upon his "Poétique du devenir" ("poetics of destiny") in his "premier livre d'Éclats" (1976-1999) with a questioning of "human destiny".

"Le livre II d'Éclats" (2000-2007) carries on with this reflexion and questions the "post-human destiny". "Le livre III" is in the pipeline and will deal with the "transhuman destiny". At the end of 2007, he elaborates upon a theory according to which there would be, between the visible and the invisible, a passage, in a flash, a brief vision: the "transvisible". He wrote:

cquotetxt|"The dark underground fire burns the dead's white bones."
"Behind my name is hidden a real warmachine."
"My Word isn't a penpusher one. — It's a sharp blade." [fr:
"Le noir feu souterrain brûle des os blancs des morts."
"Derrière mon nom se cache une vraie machine de guerre."
"Mon Verbe n’est pas de plume. — C’est une lame tranchante."
] | Serge Venturini|"Fulguriances", n° 79, p. 28


*fr "D'aurorales clartés : Choix de poèmes réunis par l'auteur, 1971-1995", Gutenberg XXIe siècle, Paris , 2000 (dedicated to Osip Mandelstam) OCLC|47692464
*fr "Éclats : d'une poétique du devenir humain, 1976-1999", L'Harmattan, Paris, 2000 (dedicated to Paul Celan) OCLC|44448871
** Review: fr Paul Van Melle, "J'ai trouvé une autre Bible", in "Bulletin", n° 44 (2000), La Hulpe
*fr "Le sens de la terre", followed by "L’Effeuillée, Aphrodite en trente variations, 1999-2003", Éditions Didro, Paris, 2004 (dedicated to Yves Battistini) ISBN 2-910726-64-9 [fr cite web|url=
title=Cumulatif 2004|publisher=Bibliographie nationale française|accessdate=2007-05-19
** Review: fr Paul Van Melle, "Prose... sans ateliers", in "Bulletin", n° 84, La Hulpe
*fr Sayat-Nova, "Odes arméniennes" (translation of the 47 odes), with Elisabeth Mouradian, L’Harmattan, 2000-2006, Paris, 2006 (dedicated to Sergei Parajanov) ISBN 2-296-01398-8. [fr cite web|url=|title=Livres arméniens - Serge Venturini|publisher=Association culturelle arménienne de Marne-la-Vallée|accessdate=2007-05-19] This book has been labelled for the Armenian year in France, September 2006-July 2007 : "Arménie, mon amie!", and selected for the Price Charles Aznavour on 19 November 2006, at the Marseille Armenian Book Festival. [fr [ Prix Charles Aznavour 2006] ]
** Reviews:
***fr Annie Pilibossian, in "Bulletin de l'ACAM", n°66 (January-March 2007), Val-de-Marne
***fr Paul Van Melle, "Ressusciter les auteurs méconnus", in "Bulletin", n°208 (September 2006), La Hulpe
*** Hy icon "Սայաթ-Նովայի ստեղծագործությունները ֆրանսերենով" ("Sayat-Novayi stértsagortsutyunnére fransérénov", "Sayat-Nova's works in French"), in "Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն" ("Hayastani Hanrapetutyun", "Republic of Armenia"), 16 February 2007, Erevan
***fr Jean-Baptiste Para, [ "Historiens de l'Antiquité"] , in "Europe", n° 945-946 (January-February 2008), p. 345-346
*fr "Éclats d’une poétique du devenir posthumain, 2000-2007" (Livre II), L’Harmattan, Paris, 2007 (dedicated to Lucie Aubrac) ISBN 978-2-296-03301-6
** Review: fr Paul Van Melle, "Pour une poétique de la pensée" , in "Bulletin", n° 214, La Hulpe
*fr "Fulgur"i"ances et autres figures", (1980-2007), postface by Philippe Tancelin, L'Harmattan, Paris, May 2008 (dedicated to Alexander Blok) ISBN 978-2-296-05656-5
**Reading of "Fulguriances" at the "Théâtre Noir du Lucernaire" in Paris, 16 June 2008



External links

*fr cite web|url=|title=Alexandre Blok|author=Serge Venturini||accessdate=2007-05-19
*fr cite web|url=|title=Missak Manouchian, le poète|author=Serge Venturini|publisher=Centre de recherches sur la diaspora arménienne|accessdate=2007-05-19
*fr [ "La poésie au cœur de la résistance contre les bourreaux"]
*fr [ "Lucie Aubrac"]
*fr [ "Sayat-Nova, un troubadour de la Transcaucasie du XVIIIe siècle en 4 émissions"]
*fr and Co icon Serge Venturini, [ "Je suis le feu, Sò u focu"]

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