- Limousine liberal
Limousine liberal (also "latte liberal", "limousine leftist", "learjet liberal", "lakefront liberal", "Lexus liberal", "MasterCard Marxist", "parlor pink", "white wine socialist" or "
champagne socialist ") is a pejorative North American political term used to illustrate perceived hypocrisy by a political liberal ofupper class orupper middle class status, such as calling for the use of mass transit while frequently using private jets (ergo 'learjet liberal'). ["Time". [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1599714,00.html "Limousine Liberal Hypocrisy"] byCharles Krauthammer . Published March 16, 2007.]Formation and early use
New York City mayor al hopefulMario Procaccino coined the term to describe RepublicanMayor John Lindsay and his wealthyManhattan backers during a heated 1969 campaign. It was a populist epithet, carrying an implicit accusation that the people it described were insulated from all negative consequences of their programs intended to benefit the poor, and that the costs and consequences of such programs would be borne in the main byworking class orlower middle class people who were not so poor as to be beneficiaries themselves. In particular, Procaccino criticized Lindsay for favoring unemployed blacks over working-class whites. ["The New York Times ". [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02EFD61E38F936A15752C0A96E958260&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/L/Lindsay,%20John%20V. "Mayoral Follies, The 1969 Edition "] Published January 25, 1998.]One Procaccino campaign memo attacked "rich super-assimilated people who live on
Fifth Avenue and maintain some choicemansions outside the city and have no feeling for the smallmiddle class shopkeeper, home owner, etc. They preach the politics of confrontation and condone violent upheaval in society because they are not touched by it and are protected by theircourtiers ". [The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and His Struggle to Save New York by Vincent J. Cannato, [http://books.google.com/books?id=Upv5ezVPBOMC&pg=PA428&lpg=PA428&dq=%22john+lindsay%22+%22limousine+liberal%22+mansions&source=web&ots=s5SlrUkR8H&sig=4qK1rKY6qWYR_ceiCsh5JcXfh3k page 428] .] "The Independent " later stated that "Lindsay came across as all style and no substance, a 'limousine liberal' who knew nothing of the concerns of the same 'Silent Majority' that was carrying Richard Nixon to the White House at the very same time." ["The Independent ." [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20001222/ai_n14346783 "Obituary: John Lindsay"] .Written Dec 22, 2000 by Rupert Cornwell.]Later use
In the 1970s, the term was applied to wealthy liberal supporters of open-housing and forced school busing who didn't make use of public schooling. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_20060730/ai_n16647842 "A liberal interpretation: The current definition of right- and left-"] by Geoffrey Nunberg. "
Chicago Sun-Times ". Published Jul 30, 2006.] InBoston, Massachusetts , supporters of busing, such as SenatorTed Kennedy , sent their children to private schools or lived in affluentsuburb s. To some South Boston residents, Kennedy's support of a plan that "integrated" their children with blacks and his apparent unwillingness to do the same with his own children, seemed like hypocrisy. [ [http://bostonphoenix.com/boston/news_features/top/features/documents/01563014.htm News/Features | ] ]By the late 1990s and early 21st century, the term has also come to be applied to those who support
environmentalist or "green" goals, such asmass transit , yet drive largeSUVs or literally have a limousine and driver. "The Weekly Standard " applied the term toSheila Jackson-Lee for being "routinely chauffeured the one short block to work--in a government car, by a member of her staff, at the taxpayers' expense." [ [http://www.theweeklystandard.com/Utilities/printer_preview.asp?idArticle=867&R=4EEE25C0C PREVIEW: Sheila Jackson Lee, Limousine Liberal ] ]It was reported in October 2007 that
Al Gore flew toSan Francisco fromNashville , followed by an onward journey toCamarillo in a non-hybrid Lincoln. [http://www.poosnews.com/2007/10/gore-wins-nobel-peace-prize-high-court.html] Similarly,Ann Coulter has pointed out that he lives in a home with an average energy consumption more than 200 times bigger than that of the average American household. She has also reported that severalHollywood celebrities routinely drive most of the distance to a big event in a Lincoln, before switching over to a hybrid vehicle very shortly before their arrival.South Park 's creatorsTrey Parker andMatt Stone poked fun at the tendency of many liberals to be more concerned with image than actually helping the earth in the episodeSmug Alert .Recently, the "
New York Observer " has applied the term to 2008 Democratic candidateJohn Edwards for paying $400 for a haircut and, according to the newspaper, "lectures about poverty while living in gated opulence". [ [http://www.observer.com/2007/edwards-easy-mark Is Edwards An Easy Mark? | The New York Observer ] ]Other countries
Australia andNew Zealand , a roughly equivalent insult of "chardonnay socialist " is used; in theUnited Kingdom the phrase "champagne socialist " orBollinger Bolshevik is preferred, and inFrance such people are referred to as the "gauche caviar " ("caviar left"). In Portugal "Esquerda caviar" is used, basically a direct translation of the French term. InGermany [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toscana-Fraktion "Toskana Fraktion"] is used. In Italy, the term "radical chic" (borrowed from American journalistTom Wolfe 's satirical 1970 book "Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers ") is used.In Peru, many former Maoists and
Fidel Castro supporters, who had renounced those views, worked in state agencies during the governments ofValentín Paniagua (2000-2001) andAlejandro Toledo (2001 - 2006) and were paid very high wages in comparison to the income of the average population. They were given the name of "Izquierda Caviar" or "Izquierda Rosa", terms similar to "gauche caviar " and parlor pink, respectively.Fact|date=April 2007In the
Netherlands , a near equivalent of "limousine liberal" would be "salon socialist". The point of a salon socialist, however, is not that he does not spend money charitably, but rather that he or she is too high to be actively involved in theclass struggle . Charity is seen as a capitalist and conservative project, because it leaves the alleged social structures of hegemony intact, and would even reinforce them (by making the poor dependent on the rich). Charity also implies that mandatory taxation is not needed, or need not collect sufficient funds.Note that in the United States and in Canada, the usage of the term "liberal" differs from most of the world. In many countries outside the United States and Canada, "
liberalism " refers to right-of-center politics, and particularly to support forlaissez faire capitalism, orlibertarianism Fact|date=August 2008. In contrast, in the United States and in Canada, 'liberal' has a left-wing connotation and is sometimesWho|date=August 2008 used somewhat pejoratively, even by the mainstream mediaFact|date=August 2008.References
ee also
*Liberal elite
*Chattering class
*Champagne socialist
*East Coast liberal
*San Francisco values
*Hipster (contemporary subculture)
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