- La fi del comte d'Urgell
"La fi del comte d'Urgell" or "Scriptura privada" is an anonymous Catalan political tract written during the
Catalonian Civil War (1462–72) by an enemy of king John II. Largely composed of personal stories, including that of the death ofJames II of Urgell , whose right to the throne is championed. The decadence of the great noble families who supportedFerdinand of Antequera in theCompromise of Caspe is portrayed as a divine curse on them. The earliest known manuscript of "La fi" dates from 1598 and its editor, Xavier de Salas Bosch (1931), considers it a sixteenth-century work, though most commentators prefer a fifteenth century provenance, some suggesting as early as 1410–33.References
*Alcoberro, Agustí (1999). [http://publicacions.iec.cat/repository/pdf/00000008/00000092.pdf Review] of "Patriotisme i modernitat". University of Barcelona.
*Batlle, Mar (1999). "Patriotisme i modernitat a "La fi del comte d’Urgell": Una aproximació a les fonts de l'obra, l'anònim autor i l'historiador Jaume Ramon Vila". Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. ISBN 978 84 8415 071 8.
*Riquer, Martí de (1964). "Història de la Literatura Catalana", vol. 1. Barcelona: Edicions Ariel.
*Villanueva, Jesús (2000). [http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo? "Observacions sobre "La fi del comte d'Urgell": datació, transmissió manuscrita, contingut ideològic".] "Arxiu de textos catalans antics", 19:611&ndsah;635.External links
* [http://www.xtec.es/~evicioso/noguera/setgcomt.htm La fi del comte d'Urgell: Setge de Balaguer.]
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