- JMI Equity
company_name =JMI Equity
company_type =Private Ownership
company_logo =
foundation =1992
location =Baltimore, MD
industry =Private Equity
key_people = Harry Gruner
Charlie Noell
Paul Barber
Brad Woloson
Peter Arrowsmith
Bob Smith
Chuck Dieveney
homepage = [http://www.jmiequity.com/ www.jmiequity.com]JMI Equity is a multi-stage
private equity firm focused on investing in growing software and business services companies at all stages of their lifecycles. Founded in 1992, JMI has invested in more than 90 companies throughout North America and Canada and has approximately $1.3 billion of committed capital under management. JMI VI closed in July 2007 with $600 million of committed capital. [ [http://www.altassets.net/news/arc/2007/nz11364.php JMI Closes $600M Private Equity Fund] (AltAssets, 2007)] Representative investments includeIntergraph , [ [http://www.intergraph.com/assets/pressreleases/2006/29482.aspx JMI and Hellman & Friedman Acquire Intergraph] ]DoubleClick , [ [http://www.techweb.com/wire/ebiz/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=161502364 DoubleClick Agrees to $1.1 Billion Buyout] (TechWeb Technology News, 2005)] Kronos [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9405EED81530F937A15750C0A9619C8B63&scp=1&sq=JMI&st=nyt Buyout Deal for Kronos] (New York Times, 2007)] and Undertone Networks. [ [http://www.undertone-inc.com/aboutus/press_releases/undertone-jmiequity-investment.php Undertone Networks Announces Strategic Investment from JMI Equity] ]JMI is based in
Baltimore, MD , with additional offices inSan Diego, CA , and has 22 investment professionals. JMI is a member of theNVCA , [ [http://www.nvca-e-series.org/scriptcontent/membersites.cfm#j NVCA Member Profile – JMI Equity] ] MAVA [ [http://www.mava.org/members/detail.asp?id=76 MAVA Member Profile – JMI Equity] ] and CVCA [ [http://www.cvca.ca/membership/directory/jmi_equity/default.aspx CVCA International Member Profile – JMI Equity] ]History
In 1992, JMI was founded by Charles Noell and Harry Gruner with initial limited partner funding provided by
John Moores , the founder and former Chairman and CEO ofBMC Software . Prior to 1992, Charlie and Harry managed some of the largest and highest-profile information technology mergers, acquisitions and IPOs of the 1980s and early 1990s while atAlex. Brown & Sons , Inc. WhileJohn Moores and JMI’s General Partners continue to be significant investors, JMI has expanded its investor base to include leading pension funds, financial institutions, endowments, family offices and other investors.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.