Pi Delta Psi

Pi Delta Psi

Infobox Fraternity
letters = ΠΔΨ
name = Pi Delta Psi Fraternity
motto = "Excellence Through Brotherhood"
crest =
founded = February 20, 1994
type = Social
emphasis = Asian-American Culture
scope = National
membership = Over 1,200
address =
city = New York
state = NY
country = USA
chapters = 23
colors = Red, White and Black
free_label = Nickname
free = PDP, PDPsi
homepage = [http://www.pideltapsi.com/ Pi Delta Psi Website]
birthplace = Binghamton University

Pi Delta Psi ("ΠΔΨ", also known as "PDPsi") is an Asian-American Cultural Interest Fraternity founded at Binghamton University on February 20 1994.cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/about/history.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi History
accessdate = 2000-10-10
publisher = Pi Delta Psi
] The mission of Pi Delta Psi is to break down cultural barriers by fostering individual growth in the areas of "Academic Achievement, Cultural Awareness, Righteousness, Friendship and Loyalty".cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/about/mission.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi Mission
accessdate = 2000-10-10
publisher = Pi Delta Psi
] Today this organization consists of over 1,200 members spanning 23 undergraduate chapters and 1 alumni chapter.cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/about/chapters.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi Chapters
accessdate = 2008-07-01
publisher = Pi Delta Psi

This organization is a member of the National APIA Panhellenic Association.cite web
url = http://www.napa-online.org/Site/Pages/Main/index.php
title = National APIA Panhellenic Association Homepage
accessdate = 2008-07-01
publisher = Pi Delta Psi


Pi Delta Psi Fraternity was founded at Binghamton University (SUNY) on February 20th, 1994.

The founding fathers of Pi Delta Psi consists of 11 individuals from a variety of Asian ethnicities. These individuals saw that although Asian-American attendance in higher education institutions was gradually increasing in the early 1990s, they continued to lack unity on campuses throughout the country; where Asian-American subgroups tended to segregate amongst other ones whom did not share the same Asian ethnicity (ie Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese)cite web
url = http://tcheartbeat.com/2007/1/29/news/asian
title = The different faces of race
accessdate = 2007-01-29
publisher = The Tartan
] . These 11 individuals believed that this disunity amongst Asian-Americans was directly related to the level of awareness and understanding they had of each other's cultures. It was in this environment that the 11 founding individuals envisioned creating an Asian-American organization that could serve to educate its members in the area of cultural awareness, help bridge the gap between all various subgroups, and bring about Asian-American unity. The infrastructure chosen by the founders for this organization was the American Greek Fraternity System (introduced in 1776 by Phi Beta Kappa).

A year after its founding, Pi Delta Psi was officially incorporated in the State of New York on April 19, 1995.

After 5 years, the fraternity had expanded too large for the Pi Delta Psi National Council to maintain. Thus in 1999, it was decided by the National Council to restructure itself in an effort to grow in proportion to the fraternities expansion rate, standardize chapters nationwide, and increase inter-chapter cohesion. The National Council was also renamed the "National Executive Board" during this period.

After 10 years, this fraternity has expanded to 18 campuses spanning 8 States (New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, California, Florida and Washington, D.C.)

"Founding Fathers"

Mission statement

Pi Delta Psi and its member seek to bring about Asian-American unity by breaking down cultural barriers amongst Asian communities by upholding and/or instilling the Fraternities pillars: "Academic Achievement", "Cultural Awareness", "Righteousness", and "Friendship/Loyalty".

The mission of Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc. is to maintain its Fraternal existence by instilling values that nurture and perpetuate the continual growth and development of the individual through Academic Achievement, Cultural Awareness, Righteousness, Friendship and Loyalty while fostering ethical behavior, leadership, and philanthropy.

Pi Delta Psi was founded on these principles to help promote Asian Awareness amongst ourselves and throughout the community. We envisioned this to be possible by going out of the boundaries of an organization and creating a Fraternity on the basis of common goals and ideals in the form of a brotherhood. We believe that through education, we can become more knowledgeable about the different Asian cultures, overcome obstacles of racism and discrimination, therefore unifying us as a whole.cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/about/mission.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi Mission
accessdate = 2000-10-10
publisher = Pi Delta Psi

Chapter Locations

National Executive Board

The Pi Delta Psi National Executive Board is an annually elected group of Pi Delta Psi representatives whom are entrusted responsibility of the functionality and maintenance of the fraternity nationwide.

"Note": Positions on the National Executive Board not listed here includes the "Undergraduate Advisory Board", "Directors of Chapter Services", and "National Board of Directors".

National Events

National Convention (Spring)

Pi Delta Psi holds an annual National Convention during the month of March each year. The National Convention is a formal 2-3 day gathering of members where the National Executive Board meets and discusses relevant fraternity issues with active members from all various chapters. Issues discussed during the National Convention are geared towards active members that usually involve an overview of the fraternity, creating general goals and discussion on national expansion. Cultural, Career, and/or Leadership workshops aimed at educating active members are often set up by the National Executive Board or the Host Chapter when meetings are not in session during the Convention. The location of each years National Convention is usually determined in the previous convention and is subject to change annually. The National Convention is a private event for Pi Delta Psi members and invitees only.

National Winter Conference

Pi Delta Psi holds an annual National Winter Conference during the month of January each year. The Winter Conference is a one day leadership retreat where the National Executive Board meets and discusses relevant fraternity issues with 2-3 representatives from each undergraduate chapters. Topics discussed during the Winter Conference are focused towards the goals of each chapter and individual leadership. The location of each years Winter Conference is usually located in the New York metropolitan area. The Winter Conference is a private event for Pi Delta Psi members only.

National Summer Weekend

Pi Delta Psi holds an annual National Summer Weekend during the month of July each year. The National Summer Weekend is a 2-3 day series of events that includes the "National Summer BBQ", "National Summer Conference", and "National Summer Banquet".cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/events/national.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi National Events
accessdate = 2008-07-01
publisher = Pi Delta Psi

*"National Summer BBQ"
The National Summer BBQ is normally held at Alley Pond Park in Queens, New York each year. Sporting events such as basketball, football, soccer, softball, and handball are often held during the BBQ. Many chapters fund raise during this event by setting up booths at the BBQ to sell fraternity related accessories and apparel. This event is the largest public gathering of Pi Delta Psi members and is open to the family and friends of the fraternity.cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/events/national.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi National Events
accessdate = 2008-07-01
publisher = Pi Delta Psi

*"National Summer Conference"
The National Summer Conference is a half day event where the National Executive Board meets and discusses relevant fraternity issues with active members from all available chapters. Issues discussed during the National Convention are geared towards both active and alumni members and usually involve an annual review of the fraternity, national goals, national philanthropy, national expansion, and/or the promotion or demotion of chapters. Elections for the following year's National Executive Board also takes place during this event. The Conference is normally held in the New York metropolitan area. The National Summer Conference is a private event for Pi Delta Psi members and invitees only.

*"National Summer Banquet"
The National Summer Banquet is a formal dinner event for Pi Delta Psi members. Advanced reservations are usually required for members to attend. This event is normally held near the location of the National Summer Conference. National announcements such as awards and scholarships are presented during this event. The National Summer Banquet is a private event for Pi Delta Psi members, members dates, and invitees only.cite web
url = http://www.pideltapsi.com/events/national.shtml
title = Pi Delta Psi National Events
accessdate = 2008-07-01
publisher = Pi Delta Psi

Cultural Awareness

Pi Delta Psi's primary mission is to spread Asian-American Cultural Awareness in an attempt to bridge the gap between various Asian-American subgroups. At the Chapter level, each Chapter is required to sponsor in a set number of Cultural events on campus each year depending on Chapter size; failure to achieve this annual criteria will result in the Chapter losing its Chapter status.cite web
url = http://www.thetartan.org/2005/1/31/news/asianinterestgreekgroupsgrowatcmu
title = Asian-interest Greek groups grow at CMU
accessdate = 2005-01-31
publisher = The Tartan Online
] cite web
url = http://tcheartbeat.com/2007/1/29/news/asian
title = The different faces of race
accessdate = 2007-01-29
publisher = The Tartan
] cite web
url = http://media.www.gwhatchet.com/media/storage/paper332/news/2004/02/05/CampusNews/Asian.Groups.Recruit-598440.shtml
title = Asian groups recruit
accessdate = 2004-02-05
publisher = gwhatchet.com
] On top of this, the Pi Delta Psi National Executive Board sponsors and/or promotes a number of large scale cultural events each year that rallies all available chapters to participate in.


Pi Delta Psi is committed to helping our communities and serving others. At the National level, the National Executive Board sponsors various annual philanthropy events that rallies members to participate in. At the Chapter level, each Chapter is required to participate in a set number of philanthropy events each year depending on the Chapter's size; failure to achieve this annual criteria will result in the school losing its Chapter status cite web
url = http://www.thetartan.org/2005/1/31/news/asianinterestgreekgroupsgrowatcmu
title = Asian-interest Greek groups grow at CMU
accessdate = 2005-01-31
publisher = The Tartan Online
] . Pi Delta Psi is also an sponsor and supporter of the APIA Vote campaign.

Alumni Network

Pi Delta Psi has a young and growing alumni network that values entrepreneurship and career orientation. After college, many members have chosen to continue their commitment to advocate their Asian-American heritage via these enterprises; whether it may be providing products and services to better communities or bringing Asian-American products, talent, and services to the American mainstream.

**Paul Yu Asensi, Timothy Jeng - Founders, "Jensi Design Studio" (Columbus, Ohio)
**Michael Chang - Creator, "Expression Sanctuary LLC" (ESJunk.com) (Los Angeles, CA)
**Jerry Lore - Creator, "Jask Clothing" Line
**Dennis Ngin, Nick Leung and Tony Tran - Creators, "One Greek Store" (Gainesville, FL.)

**Chung Ng - Partner, "Rokkan" Advertising Agency (New York, NY.)
**Andy Ting - Owner, "Alien Printing" (Long Island City, NY.)
**Parkson Liang - Owner, "American Flyer Travelware"
**Alan Zhu - Owner, "American Swimming Learning Center" (James Madison High School)
**Vincent Koo - Owner, "Exit Kingdom Realty" Company (Forest Hills, NY.)
**Edward Ho - Owner, "Guess Flowers Inc." (Brooklyn, NY.)
**Damien Lee - Founder, "ImageBeyond"
**Eddie Hsaio - Owner, "Sunlight Jewelry Incorporated"
**Dain Lee - Broker, "The Corcoran Group Real Estate" (New York, NY.)
**Guo Qiang Zhou - Owner, "The Poochie Place" (New York, NY.)
**Derek Hsiang - Creator, "The Tennis Store" (Huntington, NY.)
**Johnny Chung - Owner, "Tummy-Ssage Inc."

*"Food and Entertainment"
**Calvin Chang - Creator, "Access Nightlife" Promotion Team
**James Kim - Co-owner, "Chin Chin Restaurants" (Culver City, CA)
**Chris Mei and Eddie Lee - Owners, "Vesta Nightclub" (New York, NY.)

**David Chang - Owner, "Fa De Shun Industrial Co., Ltd." (Huizhou, China)
**Michael Chang - Partner, "Shanghai Kingston Foundry Co., Ltd." (Shanghai, China)
**Larry L. Chen - Partner, "La Shine Cosmetics, LLC" (Guangdong, China)

**Jerry Lore - Creator, "AE3 Interactive LLC" Consultancy
**Edward Chen - Creator, "SC Web Services" (White Plains, NY.)
**Michael Santiago - Creator, "Sedo" Web Hostings


External links

* [http://www.pideltapsi.com/index_actual.html Pi Delta Psi National Website]
* [http://www.nycpdpsi.com/Pages/Main.html New York City Pi Delta Psi Alumni]
* [http://www.napa-online.org/ National Asian Pacific Islander American Panhellnic Association (NAPA)]
* [http://www.greekopedia.com/index.php?title=Pi_Delta_Psi Pi Delta Psi on Greekopedia.com] navbox
name = National APIA Panhellenic Association
title = National APIA Panhellenic Association
list1 = alpha Kappa Delta Phi· Alpha Phi Gamma · Delta Kappa Delta· Delta Phi Lambda· Kappa Phi Lambda· Pi Alpha Phi· Pi Delta Psi· Sigma Beta Rho· Sigma Psi Zeta

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