Current French Navy ships

Current French Navy ships

This is a (non exhaustive) list of currently operating ships of the French Navy.

Aircraft carriers

* R91 "Charles de Gaulle"

Projection and command vessels

*"Mistral" class - 2 ships
**L9013 Mistral
**L9014 Tonnerre

Helicopter cruiser

* R97 "Jeanne d'Arc"



* SNLE ("Le Redoutable class") - 1 ships
**S615 "L'Inflexible"
* SNLE-NG ("Le Triomphant" class) - 3 ships
**S616 "Le Triomphant"
**S617 "Le Téméraire"
**S618 "Le Vigilant"

SNA (SSN Nuclear attack submarines)

* "Rubis" class - 6 ships
**S601 "Rubis" (ex-"Provence")
**S602 "Saphir" (ex-"Bretagne")
**S603 "Casabianca" (ex-"Bourgogne")
**S604 "Émeraude"
**S605 "Améthyste"
**S606 "Perle"

First rank frigates (destroyers)

The French Navy does not use the term "destroyer"; thus, some large ships of the first rank (like "Horizon") are designated "frigates", though they are registered and operate as destroyers (with hull numbers "Dxxx").

*"Horizon class - 2 ships
** D620 Forbin (fitting out)
** D621 Chevalier Paul (fitting out)

* "Cassard" class (type F70 AA) - 2 ships
** D614 "Cassard"
** D615 "Jean Bart"

* "Georges Leygues" class (type F70 ASM) - 7 ships
** D640 "Georges Leygues"
** D641 "Dupleix"
** D642 "Montcalm"
** D643 "Jean de Vienne"
** D644 "Primauguet"
** D645 "La Motte Picquet"
** D646 "Latouche-Tréville"

* "Tourville" class (type F 67) - 2 ships
** D610 "Tourville"
** D612 "De Grasse"

Second rank frigates

* "La Fayette" class - 5 ships
**F710 "La Fayette"
**F711 "Surcouf"
**F712 "Courbet"
**F713 "Aconit"
**F714 "Guépratte
* "Floréal" class - 6 ships
**F730 "Floréal"
**F731 "Prairial"
**F732 "Nivôse"
**F733 "Ventôse"
**F734 "Vendémiaire"
**F735 "Germinal"


Lighter combat ships are called Avisos, roughly equivalent to Corvettes in other navies, however hull numbers follow frigate denomination (Fxxx).

*"D'Estienne d'Orves" class (type A 69) - 9 ships
**F788 "Second-Maître Le Bihan"
**F789 "Lieutenant de vaisseau Le Hénaff"
**F790 "Lieutenant de vaisseau Lavallée"
**F791 "Commandant L'Herminier"
**F792 "Premier-Maître L'Her"
**F793 "Commandant Blaison"
**F794 "Enseigne de vaisseau Jacoubet"
**F795 "Commandant Ducuing"
**F796 "Commandant Birot"
**F797 "Commandant Bouan"

Patrol ships

*P680 "Sterne" (only ship of her class)
*P681 "Albatros" (only ship of her class)
*"L'Audacieuse" class (type P 400) - 10 ships
**P682 "L'Audacieuse"
**P683 "La Boudeuse"
**P684 "La Capricieuse"
**P685 "La Fougueuse"
**P686 "La Glorieuse"
**P687 "La Gracieuse"
**P688 "La Moqueuse"
**P689 "La Railleuse"
**P690 "La Rieuse"
**P691 "La Tapageuse"

*P675 "Arago" (type Lapérouse, converted)

*"Flamant" class - 3 ships
**P676 "Flamant"
**P677 "Cormoran"
**P678 "Pluvier"

*A679 "Grebe" (type "Espadon 50"; only ship of her class)

*"Athos" class - 2 ships
**A712 "Athos"
**A713 "Aramis"

Mine Warfare Forces

*A645 "Alizé" (only ship of her class)
*"Eridan" class - 13 ships
** M641 "Eridan"
** M642 "Cassiopée"
** M643 "Andromède"
** M644 "Pégase"
** M645 "Orion"
** M646 "Croix du sud "
** M647 "Aigle"
** M648 "Lyre"
** M649 "Persée"
** M650 "Sagittaire"
** M651 "Verseau" (ex M920 "Iris")
** M652 "Céphée" (ex M919 "Fushia")
** M653 "Capricorne" (ex M918 "Dianthus")

*"Vulcain" class - 4 ships
** M611 "Vulcain"
** A613 "Achéron"
** M614 "Styx"
** M622 "Pluton"

* Antarès class - 3 ships
** M770 "Antarès"
** M771 "Altaïr"
** M772 "Aldébaran"

Landing Platform Dock (LPD)

*"Foudre" class - 2 ships
**L9011 "Foudre"
**L9012 "Siroco"
*L9077 "Bougainville"

Light transport ships

* BATRAL (type Champlain) - 4 ships
** L9031 "Francis Garnier"
** L9032 "Dumont D'Urville"
** L9033 "Jacques Cartier"
** L9034 "La Grandière"

Landing crafts

*"Sabre" class - 4 ships
** L9051 "Sabre"
** L9052 "Dague"
** L9061 "Rapière"
** L9062 "Hallebarde"
*"Chalands de transport de matériel (CTM)" - 16 ships

High Sea Tugs

*"Abeille Flandre" class - 6 ships
*"Estérel" class - 2 ships
*"Malabar" class - 3 ships
*"Actif" class - 1 ship remaining in service as of 2004

Trial, experimentation and intelligence ships

* A601 "Monge"
* A743 "Denti"
* A785 "Thétis"
* A759 "Dupuy de Lôme"

Hydrography and Oceanography

*A758 "Beautemps-Beaupré"
*"Lapérouse" class - 3 ships
**A791 "Lapérouse"
**A793 "Laplace"
**A792 "Borda"

upport ships

*A620 "Jules Verne" - mobile mechanics
*"Durance" class tankers - 4 ships
**A607 "Meuse"
**A608 "Var"
**A630 "Marne"
**A631 "Somme"
*A615 "Loire"
*A616 "Le Malin"

chool ships

*"Belle Poule" (sail ship)
*Étoile" (sail ship)
*"Mutin" (sail ship)
*"La Grande Hermine" (sail ship)
* "Léopard" class - 8 ships
* "Glycine" class - 8 ships

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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