Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha

Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha

Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha (literally, "the Nakamura descendant of the Takeda school") is a gendai (modern) martial art developed by Nakamura Hisashi in the mid to late 20th century.

=Takeda Ryu history=

The genyōsha (society of the Dark Ocean) was originally founded by Hiraoka Kotarō (1851-1906) and Toyama Mitsuru (1855-1944), and other former samurai of the Fukuoka domain as the “Koyōsha”, it agitated for a return to the old feudal order with special privileges and government stipends for the samurai class. The Koyōsha participated in the various ex-samurai uprising against the early Meiji government.The Genyosha: a study in the origins of Japanese imperialism by EH Norman in Pacific Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Sep., 1944), pp. 261-284]

In 1881, the Koyōsha changed its direction. This time, the declared aims of the Genyōsha were honorable and noble: “to honor the Imperial Family, respect the Empire” and “to guard the rights of the people”. However the real aim of genyōsha was the expansion of Japan.

The first head martial arts teacher of the Genyosha dojo was Takeda Tadakatsu (descendant of Takeda Shingen’s father, Takeda Nobutora, and 41st generation of TakedaBugei Ryuha Daijiten, pp. 534-535, Edition year 54 of Shouwa (1979), Editor: Wataya, Yuki and Yamada Tadashi] . In consequence, the martial arts taught at the Genyosha dojo were: Aiki no Jutsu and Ju Jutsu from the Takeda Family, Ken Jutsu (Shinto Ryu), Jo Jutsu (Muso Shinto Ryu, Uchida Ryu), Tessen Jutsu (variation of Ikkaku Ryu jutte jutsu & Isshin Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu).

At Takeda Tadakatsu's death, Nakamura Aikisai Okichi (born Nakamura Yoshitoshi) received the Takeda’s Makimono and became the 2nd head martial art teacher of the Genyosha dojo. In 1935, Oba Ichio (Oba Sachiyuki), sponsored by [http://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/e/datas/295.html Toyama Mitsuru] , became the 3rd head teacher of the Genyosha in Fukuoka prefecture [http://www.jujutsu.com/jujutsu/html02/n-english.htm jujutsu.com Homepage ] ] .

After the end of the War and Toyama's death Oba Sensei opened the Dojo (1948) to general public and called its teaching "Takeda Ryu". The ryu was established on the basis of several schools in which Oba Ichio had a menkyo kaiden (Takeda family’s aiki no jutsu and ju jutsu, Muso Shinto ryu, Kukishin ryu). He was also involved in the Zen Nihon Butoku Kai (formerly Dai Nippon Butoku Kai) in 1930's and he established the Nihon Budo Renren in 50’s.

=Takeda Ryu Nakamura-Ha history=

Nakamura Hisashi born the 18th March 1932 in Nagano and went in his aunt home in 1949. He entered in 1950 the Yamagura Dojo of Oba sensei that had been opened to general public for one year. The arts thought by Oba sensei where: Aiki no Jutsu, Ju Jutsu Kenpo, Ken Jutsu, Batto Jutsu, Jo Jutsu, Shugi Jutsu and Shuriken Jutsu.

In 1953 Nakamura Hisashi was accepted as uchi deshi. In 1956, Nakamura Hisashi went to Tokyo to help Oba sensei in the Seibuden dojo in replacement of Moritomo Kazuo.

Oba Sensei died in 1959, and appointed Moritomo Kazuo Sensei as successor. Moritomo sensei declined the position and appointed Nakamura Hisashi as the next Soke.

Soke Nakamura developed a new way of teaching Aiki no jutsu and called it Aikido (not to be confused with the more common aikido of Morihei Ueshiba).In 1961, Soke Nakamura established the first Aikido dojo at Rikkyo University (Tokyo) and, in 1962, the second Aikido dojo at Nihon University. In 1963 he established the Japanese Federation for Aikido (Nihon Aikido Renmei). Soke Nakamura believed that randori (free exercises) and shiai (competition) were able to increase physical and mental strength. He organized the first All Japan Aikido Championship (Aiki Yusho Taikai). In 1970, Soke Nakamura changed the name of its organization from Nihon Aikido Renmei to Nihon Sobudo Rengokai. In 1978, Soke Nakamura registered its way of teaching and its budo system as Takeda Ryu Nakamura-HaAikido by Nakamura Hisashi, pp.22-34, Sports Lesson Series, 1990, ISBN 4-415-01236-1] .

In 1990, Morimoto Kazuo sensei passed away, leaving Soke Nakamura as the last teacher of Koryu do Takeda Ryu Bujutsu.

Nowadays, Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha is taught in Japan by Nihon Sobudo Rengokai ( [http://www.takedaryu.jp NSR] )and in Europe in the European Sobudo Rengokai ( [http://www.esr-budo.org ESR] ),in the Takeda Budo Association( [http://www.takedabudo.be] ). In Europe, several other groups have split from the original line, Maroto Ha, Kobilza Ha, ...

=Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha Sobudo=

Soke Nakamura Hisashi taught 7 disciplines inside the Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha Sobudo. These disciplines are Aikido, Jukenpo, Iaidō, Jōdō, Kendō, Shugijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.

Techniques are divided in kihon waza (basic techniques), henka waza (variations) and koryū waza (old techniques). The school uses competitions (shiai) and randori as a way of teaching, it is the only way to be close to the true fighting situation. In aikido, the shiai and the randori exist in two different forms. The first one is called "sogo" and the second "tori waza".

In Japanese, "sogo" means integrated. In this form of practice, opponents wear a leather glove (uchi kote) on ONE hand and hit freely with that hand. They are also allowed to throw and to lock. The tori waza is a technical match where opponents take alternatively the role of uke and tori.


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