

Yuncheng (zh-stp|s=运城|t=運城|p=Yùnchéng) is the southernmost prefecture-level city in Shanxi province, China. It borders the cities of Jincheng and Linfen to the east and north, and the provinces of Shaanxi and Henan to the west and south.

The English writer Justin Hill spent two and a half years here with Voluntary Service Overseas, (VSO) from 1993-5. It was the basis of his first book, "A Bend in the Yellow River".

The Olympic Torch Relay went through this city June 25, 2008 on its way to Beijing.


The prefecture-level city of Yuncheng administers one district, two county-level cities and 10 counties, as well as 133 towns and townships. The following are the district, cities, and counties in Yuncheng:

*Yanhu District (盐湖区)
*Yongji City (永济市)
*Hejin City (河津市)
*Linyi County (临猗)
*Ruicheng County (芮城)
*Wanrong County (万荣)
*Jishan County (稷山)
*Xinjiang County (新绛)
*Wenxi County (闻喜)
*Xia County (夏县)
*Jiang County (绛县)
*Pinglu County (平陆)
*Yuanqu County (垣曲)

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