- SeaGen
SeaGen is the world's first large scale commercial
tidal stream generator.Cite journal
last = Douglas | first = C.A.
last2 = Harrison | first2 = G.P.
last3 = Chick | first3 = J.P.
title = Life cycle assessment of the Seagen marine current turbine
format = PDF
year= 2008
accessdate = 2008-07-10
doi = 10.1243/14750902JEME94
issn = 1475-0902
journal = Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment
volume = 222
issue = 1
pages = 1-12
publisher= Professional Engineering Publishing] cite news
title=The rise of British sea power
publisher=The Independent
accessdate=2008-07-30] cite news
url= http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/science_technology/power+generation+the+new+wave/1907547
title= Power generation: the new wave
author= Julian Rush
publisher= Channel 4
accessdate=2008-07-30] It is four times more powerful than any other tidal stream generator in the world.cite news
title=Sea change for energy generation
author=Arthur Strain
accessdate=2008-07-10]The first SeaGen generator was installed in Strangford Narrows between
Strangford andPortaferry inNorthern Ireland in April2008 and was connected to the grid in July 2008 [ [http://www.marineturbines.com/3/news/article/10/world_s_first_commercial_scale_tidal_power_system_feeds_electricity_to_the_national_grid__/ First connection to the grid] ] . It generates 1.2 MW for between 18 and 20 hours a day while the tides are forced in and out ofStrangford Lough through the Narrows.cite news
title= Tidal Power Comes to Market. A large-scale tidal-power unit has started up in Northern Ireland
author=Brittany Sauser
publisher= Technology Review Inc.,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
accessdate=2008-07-30] Interestingly, Strangford Lough was also the site of the very first knowntide mill in the world, theNendrum Monastery mill where remains dating from787 have been excavated.Background
Marine Current Turbines , the developer of SeaGen, demonstrated first prototype of tidal stream generator in 1994 with a 15 kilowatt system inLoch Linnhe , off the west coast ofScotland . In May 2003, the prototype for SeaGen, 'SeaFlow', was installed off the coast ofLynmouth ,North Devon , England. Seaflow was a single rotor turbine which generated 300 kW but was not connected to the grid. SeaFlow was the world's first offshore tidal generator, and remained the world's largest until SeaGen was installed.cite web
title=Case Studies for Schools: Tidal Power
publisher=Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
SeaGen generator weights 300 tonnes.cite news
url= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/environment/worlds-first-as-16312m-turbine-installed-in-strangford-lough-13397969.html
title= World's first as £12m turbine installed in Strangford Lough
publisher= Belfast Telegraph
accessdate=2008-07-30] It consists of twin axial-flow rotors of convert|16|m|ft in diameter, each driving a generator through a gearbox like a hydro-electric or wind turbine. These turbines have a patented feature by which the rotor blades can be pitched through 180 degrees allowing them to operate in both flow directions – on ebb and flood tides. The power units of each system are mounted on arm-like extensions either side of a tubular steel monopile some convert|3|m|ft in diameter and the arms with the power units can be raised above the surface for safe and easy maintenance access. The SeaGen was built atBelfast 's Harland and Wolff's shipyards.cite news
title= Tidal power comes to Northern Ireland
author=Henry McDonald
publisher= Guardian
accessdate=2008-07-30]Environmental impact
SeaGen has been licensed to operate over a period of 5 years, during which there will be a comprehensive environmental monitoring programme to determine the precise impact on the marine environment.cite paper
title=Environmental monitoring, liaison and consultation concerning the MCT Strangford Lough Turbine
author=David G Erwin
During the commissioning of the system a software error caused the blades of one of the turbines to be damaged. This is expected to leave the turbine operating at half power until autumn 2008. The incident is being investigated and MCT is confident that it will not happen again.cite news
url= http://www.marineturbines.com/3/news/article/11/delay_in_commissioning_one_of_seagen_s_rotors/
title= Delay in commissioning one of SeaGen's rotors
publisher= Marine Current Turbines
External links
* [http://www.seageneration.co.uk/ Sea Generation Ltd]
* [http://www.marineturbines.com/ Marine Current Turbines Ltd] .
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