- Cardiovascular disease in China
Cardiac disease in China is on the rise. Though increases inheart disease incidence have increased faster in the city than in the country side, ruralmorbidity andmortality rates are now on the rise as well. Health statistics shows that theischemic heart disease mortality rate in rural China has approximately doubled since 1988. [http://www.chinacal.org/cardiac_disease.html Cardiac Disease and Health Care in China] China-California Heart Watch]Unlike in developed countries, there is no preventive or
primary health care system in place to stop the rise of cardiac disease. The real extent of heart disease in rural China is unknown because statistics are fraught with error and bias due to difficulties in ascertainingcause of death in places where 90% die without seeing a doctor. There is therefore a need to ascertain the real incidence and prevalence of heart disease and to develop adequate preventive and primary care in the Chinese countryside.troke
Stroke is the largest cardiovascular killer in China. [ [http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90880/6401489.html Cancer, stroke top killers for Chinese] ]References
Further reading
*Liu, Lisheng. " [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nrc/bcb/2007/00000085/00000002/art00005 Cardiovascular diseases in China] ". "Biochemistry and Cell Biology", Volume 85, Number 2, 1 April 2007 , pp. 157-163(7)
*Richard A Jonas, MD. [http://asianannals.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/extract/6/3/151 Evolving Healthcare for Congenital Heart Disease in China] Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1998;6:151-152
* [http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpr/pressrelease/060506e.htm Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Supplementation Proved to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke in China] - Chinese University of Hong Kong, 6 May 2006
*Jin Ling Tang and Yong Hua Hu. [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/reprint/330/7492/610.pdf Drugs for preventing cardiovascular disease in China] "BMJ" 2005;330;610-611
* [http://www.internationaljournalofcardiology.com/article/S0167-5273(03)00489-3/abstract The current state of cardiology in China] IJC Volume 96, Issue 3, Pages 425-439 (September 2004)
* [http://www.internationaljournalofcardiology.com/article/PIIS0167527303004893/citing Welcome to Tsung O Cheng, Roving Ambassador for Chinese Cardiovascular Science]
*Tsung O. Cheng [http://www.springerlink.com/content/b72542g137506134/ Diets play a major role in heart diseases in China] "Lipids" Volume 39, Number 3 / March, 2004External links
* [http://www.world-heart-federation.org/what-we-do/demonstration-projects/china-bridging-the-gap/ China, "Bridging the Gap" Project] collaborative project between the World Heart Federation, the Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung & Blood Vessel Diseases-Beijing Anzhen Hospital, the Chinese Society of Cardiology and the China National Health Heart Programme.
* [http://www.chinacal.org/ China-California Heart Watch (China Cal)] - A non-profit corporation dedicated to understanding and relieving problems of heart disease and health care in rural China
* [http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/41649.php Study Warns Of Growing Cardiovascular Disease Epidemic In China As Western Diets And Lifestyles Are Adopted] 17 Apr 2006;National organizations
* [http://www.heart.org.cn/ Chinese Society of Cardiology]
* [http://www.ichhn.org/ International Chinese Heart Health Network] (ICHHN);Projects
* [http://www.ctsu.ox.ac.uk/about/biographies/zhengming-chen-mbbs-dphil Zhengming Chen MBBS DPhil] - [http://www.ctsu.ox.ac.uk/projects CTSU Oxford Projects]
* [http://www.fwoxford.com/web/en_index/index.asp Fuwai-Oxford collaborative Research Centre for Cardiovascular Health (FORC)]
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