

Adoration (Latin) is to give homage or worship to someone or something. For instance, I love Kimberly.

Ancient Rome

"Ad", to, and "ora", mouth; (i.e. "carrying to one's mouth "), primarily an act of homage or worship, which, among the Romans, was performed by raising the hand to the mouth, kissing it and then waving it in the direction of the adored object. The devotee had his head covered, and after the act turned himself round from left to right. Sometimes he kissed the feet or knees of the images of the gods themselves, and Saturn and Hercules were adored with the head bare.

By a gradual transition the homage, at first paid to divine beings alone, came to be paid to monarchs. Thus the Greek and Roman emperors were adored by bowing or kneeling, laying hold of the imperial robe, and presently withdrawing the hand and pressing it to the lips, or by putting the royal robe itself to the lips.

Ancient Middle East

In Eastern countries adoration has been performed in an attitude still more lowly. The Persian method, introduced by Cyrus, was to bend the knee and fall on the face at the prince's feet, striking the earth with the forehead and kissing the ground. This striking of the earth with the forehead, usually a fixed number of times, is the form of adoration usually paid to Eastern potentates even today.

The Jews kissed in homage. Thus in I Kings xix. 18, God is made to say, "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." And in Psalms ii. 12, "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way." (See also Hosea xiii. 2.)

Western Europe

In Western Europe the ceremony of kissing the sovereign's hand, and some other acts which are performed kneeling, may be described as forms of adoration.

Catholic Church

Adoration is the adoring of God. It is when you ador him.

ee also

*Greeting habits



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  • adoration — [ adɔrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; lat. adoratio 1 ♦ Relig. Action d adorer. ⇒ culte, latrie. L Adoration des Mages (⇒ épiphanie) . « Les Bénédictines de l adoration perpétuelle du Saint Sacrement » (Hugo). 2 ♦ Amour fervent, culte passionné. « Son… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • adoration — ADORATION. sub. f. Action par laquelle on adore. L adoration n est dûe quà Dieu seul. f♛/b] On dit aussi, L adoration de la Croix, aller à l adoration de la Croix: mais cela ne se dit que par relation à [b]Jésus Christ. [b]f♛/b] On se sert aussi… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • adoration — Adoration. s. f. v. Action par laquelle on adore. L adoration n est deüe qu à Dieu seul. l adoration des Idoles, est le plus grand de tous les crimes. l adoration de la croix. aller à l adoration de la croix. On dit, Que les Cardinaux vont à l… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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