Thubten Gyatso (NKT)

Thubten Gyatso (NKT)

From 1991 to 1995 Gelong Thubten Gyatso (a.k.a. Gen Thubten or Neil Elliot) was appointed as a 'Gen-la' and Resident Teacher of Madhyamaka Centre (Pocklington, York) and as Geshe Kelsang's future successor."Sect disrobes British monk", World Tibet Network News, Sunday, August 18, 1996, [] ] He was described by NKT as "the first qualified English Tantric meditation master in Britain". ["Sect disrobes British monk", World Tibet Network News, Sunday, August 18, 1996, [] ; see also NKT magazine "Full Moon"] He was known as the 'heart-disciple' of Geshe Kelsang and Geshe Kelsang himself wrote a prayer for his long life which was recited regularly at NKT centres. [Long Life Prayer for Gen-la Thubten Gyatso, 1991] According to Madeleine Bunting "Gen Thubten [..] is described by former members as having been the 'power behind the throne'." Bunting states further that "Former members understand that Gen Thubten was disrobed because of a breach of his monastic vows. He was deeply revered by the 3,000 NKT members for his knowledge of Buddhism and his charismatic teaching."


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