Franz Cibulka

Franz Cibulka

Franz Cibulka, born in 1946, is an Austrian composer.

Franz Peter Cibulka is a freelance composer from Graz, Austria. His list of works includes more than 300 compositions of the most diverse instrumentation and styles resulting from his artistic collaboration with various performers. Cibulka mainly arranges compositions on demand, respecting the artists' wishes and ideas. However, he also writes music that reflects his own creativity and visions. This can be thoroughly felt in pieces such as "Aquarius", in which he transformed his despair about humans' misuse of nature into an exceptional musical work.Although Cibulka's music is rather unconventional, his career is a traditional one. Having completed his musical studies in clarinet, composition and orchestral conducting at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, he served as Professor of Clarinet, Chamber Music and Music Theory at the Johann Joseph Fux Conservatory in Graz until July 2002.

Cibulka achieved an international reputation following the performance in 1997 of several of his works at the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) held in Schladming, Austria. Ever since then he has been invited to Australia, America, Russia and many European countries as a composer, conductor, performer, juror and lecturer.


External links

* [ Official Homepage of Franz Cibulka]
* [ Franz Cibulka Profile]

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