Gaz (Call of Duty 4)

Gaz (Call of Duty 4)

General VG character
name = "Gaz"

caption =
series = Call of Duty (Series)
firstgame = "Call of Duty"
creator = Infinity Ward
artist =
voiceactor = Craig Fairbrass
japanactor =
motionactor =
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inuniverse =

Gaz was a British Special Air Service veteran operator featured in "".

Known for his wry sense of humor, he was part of a SAS field operations team led by Captain Price, along with Soap MacTavish, the main character of "Call of Duty 4". He assisted the player on most missions. He gives Soap a run through on how to use guns in F.N.G. He assists Soap in retrieving code-name Nikolai an Ultranationalist informant, during which he threatens Sgt. Kamarov of the loyalist forces into telling him where he is. After that he is shot down in his helicopter with Soap, Nikolai and Cpt. Price. They escape and head to Azerbaijan's to capture Al-Asad. They succeed but Cpt. Price shoots Al Asad in the head after Imran Zakhaev rings Al Asads phone. After hearing about Cpt. Price's assassination attempt on Zakhaev 15 years ago, they escape Azerbaijan and go to capture Zakhaev's son. This fails as Zakhaev's son shoots himself when he is surrounded. They head to secure a nuclear missile sites from Zakhaev's men. As they get through and cut the power for a sniper team 2 missiles are launched. They cut the vents at which point Gaz was sent to the security room with American forces whilst Price, Soap and Griggs went to the main room to input the codes to stop the warheads.

The jeep he was escaping in skidded to a halt to avoid going over the edge of a destroyed bridge, and he fought with the rest whilst waiting for evac. However, a tanker exploded, injuring him and he was shot and killed by Imran Zakhaev as he lay on the floor in the level "Game Over".

In a E3 Trailer for Call of Duty 4, It was revealed that he was originally called Griggs instead of Gaz, but was changed before the release of the game.

He was voiced by Craig Fairbrass. [Imdb name|0265492|Craig Fairbrass. Retrieved on 2008-07-16.]


* Incorporates text from [ Gaz] at the Call of Duty Wiki at Wikia, under the GNU Free Documentation License

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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